Page 22 of Wolf Chosen
He shakes his head, then straightens, looking like he’s composing himself. “You cannot let the other wolves know you have these powers.”
She stills. “W-what? Why?”
“Magic makes you powerful, Elara. That makes you…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence, possibly because she’s now several things.
She takes a step back, disentangling herself from beneath Laith’s arm. Concern tightens his features, but all she can do is shake her head. She can’t reassure him. Right now, she’s not okay.
So she turns and runs. Past her car. Through the forest. Blindly and with tears stinging her eyes.
Trees pass in a blur. The sound of cars can be heard in the distance but she stays away from the possibility of running into humans. Elara barely registers any of it. Her mind is swirling too fast. Her heart is hurting too much. All she knows is she needs to get away.
When the trees abruptly end, she stumbles to a stop. A clearing opens out, revealing a squat, concrete building. She knows she’s on the outskirts of town, so she shouldn’t be surprised to find something tucked amongst the trees, but she is. Possibly because it’s like she just ran straight to it.
Possibly because it looks like a bunker crossed with a research facility.
Stopping beside a tree, Elara gives herself a moment to catch her breath. She draws the crisp air into her lungs, trying to get a sense of what she’s found. She smells brown earth, chalky cement, and…
Her eyes shoot open wide.
She knows exactly how she ended up here.
Breaking into long strides, she makes her way to the door, any sense of shock washing away. Of course she found this place. Her heart knew where to go if it wants to feel safe.
Wide steps lead to an opaque glass door which she already knows is locked. Does she knock? Elara’s about to clear the final step, her hand already forming a fist to do just that when the door whooshes open.
She grinds to a halt, surprised all over again.
The man who just stepped through stiffens, his head snapping in her direction. Professor Blanchard’s eyebrows twitch as his mouth presses into a line. He straightens, nodding curtly. “Elara,” he says cordially.
Then strides straight past her.
He’s in a car she didn’t register and driving away before she snaps out of her stupor. Professor Blanchard was the last person she expected to see, let alone here. And he remembered her name. She eyes the building, now suddenly wondering what she’s stumbled across.
No, not stumbled.
She ran here with unerring accuracy. With a purpose she didn’t know was driving her.
Because she was running to Kade.
Kade sits in a hard plastic chair with his elbows on his knees. Once again, Guy has left him with more questions than answers. They were talking about the ritual and the sacrifices when Guy clammed up and turned his back on him, snapping that they needed to focus on the stolen vials.
Kade watched him walk away with his jaw dropped and his anger rising. He’s beginning to understand why Elara gets so riled up when he withholds the truth from her.
Guy left without another word, leaving Kade in a veil of mystery, like usual. Closing his hands into fists, he slams them into the arms of the chair twice before propelling himself to standing. He’s breathing hard, his chest rising and falling under his t-shirt so hard that it seems as if the cotton will tear.
Looking around the facility, at all the equipment and paperwork, stacks of books and scientific equipment set on tables, all he wants to do is smash it all. This can't all be for nothing, it can’t all be a mystery. There has to be more than a prophecy and the words of an old woman to go off!