Page 181 of The Goddess Of
After sleeping beside him for nine months, she learned through a series of events how Ronin had the willpower to sleep through a hurricane.
Naia took in every small detail of her son’s face. He had a freckle on the right side of his temple; thick, dark eyelashes, pink eyelids, and plump, squishy cheeks she wanted to poke and pinch.
Her heart capped with pride as she hugged Ash against her chest.
She brought her trembling lips to his smooth forehead and inhaled his fresh, baby scent.
“I love you, Ashy darling.” She swallowed back her thick tears. For this moment, she would not waste it crying.
Naia walked to the others at a slow pace.
Ronin continued fighting against Theon, calling out her name. She ached everywhere, hearing his voice cracking in distress.
Naia squatted at eye level with Akane. “Can you do something for me?”
Akane managed a feeble nod, her eyes teeming with tears. “Anything for you.”
Naia tucked a long, black strand behind her ear and gave her a small, wobbly smile. “Take Ash for me?”
She made a mhm sound between her crying, wiping away her falling tears with the back of her hand.
“And Wren.” Naia secured her hairpin in the front pocket of Akane’s jeans and pulled her into a hug. “Thank you.”
Naia handed her son off to his cousin and then turned to Yuki.
The woman jutted her jaw out, dark eyes pooling with tears of her own as she stared at Naia. “You bitch. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Naia huffed out a wistful laugh. “Don’t let him grieve me for too long.”
“I won’t,” Yuki promised. “Take care of yourself.”
The words, Yuki’s affection, were almost enough to fracture the dam of Naia’s resolve. Her selfish instincts drove her to desperately grasp at anything within reach to change her mind.
She didn’t have it in her to say words to the witch standing beside Yuki. He was already a weeping mess, face buried in his hands, his large shoulders shaking as they folded together. She pursed her lips to keep her own emotions at bay, embracing him in a massive hug.
“I am sorry I didn’t get to live up to the promise I made you,” she whispered.
“You already have.” Avi’s arms came around her, giving her a long squeeze.
Naia pulled away. Sucking in a deep breath, she turned and faced the man who was her undoing.
He threw himself like a storm against Theon’s grip.
“Don’t you fucking do this! You can’t make plans without me!” His voice ruthlessly broke as he shouted.
Naia walked over to him and gently placed her hands on either side of his neck, feeling the tension in his muscles. Whenever she longed for a sense of calm, she would gravitate towards that spot, cherishing the reassuring beat of his pulse beneath her palms.
He stilled beneath her touch and she guided his nose to meet hers. “You made me a promise, remember?”
“Naia.” His body went slack in Theon’s hold. “Don’t leave me.” He cried softly. “I-I can’t lose you. You do this and I’ll kill every fucking deity, I swear!”
Naia closed her eyes from the pain cutting open her heart. She had no doubts the lengths he would go because of her decision, and as much as she wanted to be the one to pull him back from the darkness he came and went from, she had full faith Ash’s presence alone would be enough to suffice.
“I have to do this, Ronin. For both of you. Let me do this.”
A woeful sound cracked in the back of his throat and his shoulders shook as he wept.
“Tell him about me every day.” She kissed him, tasting salt and iron on his lips.