Page 94 of The Goddess Of
“You are Lady Naia, daughter of the High Goddess of the Sea.”
“How old are you?”
“Isn’t it rude to ask another their age?”
Naia snorted. “Something as futile as age does not offend me. Does it, you?”
“Hardly. I was looking for a way for you to stop talking.”
“Now that was rude,” she muttered under her breath.
Turning a corner, they found themselves faced with a dead end, blocked off by a solid concrete wall and strewn with rotted pallets.
Theon spun around to face her. “We’ll have to transport from here.”
She rolled her lips, shaking her head. “I am not capable.”
Theon tilted his head, as if he found this information befuddling.
Aside from the look, he didn’t prod further and stuck out his gloved hand.
“Do you have a plan?” he asked.
She hesitated. “No.”
“You’re walking into a devil’s lair,” he said in disapproval. “At least tell me what your title is.”
“I thought you knew who I was.”
“I know of you, but it does not mean I know you. There is no word of your name and what your title is among the gods. Are you displeased that I would not know?”
“No.” Humiliation swelled over her head, and her cheeks flushed. “I do not have a title.”
His gaze flickered all over her face for a beat.
Naia stiffened, preparing for an exaggerated reaction.
“So, you’re going to find your brother to simply yell at him?” Theon asked flatly.
“Something along those lines.” Then, because she was feeling the need to bite back at him, she pointedly asked, “What is your title? I presume you are a middle god if you can teleport.”
“I suppose you will find out soon enough.” Theon wiggled his fingers in his black leather gloves as a reminder he was still waiting.
Rolling her eyes, she dropped her hand into his. “Where exactly are we going to appear?”
“Finnian’s home. I hope you know how to fight.”
The Past
“My mother sends her regards.” Solaris bowed his head in greeting to the High Goddess of the Sea, who sat perched on her throne, carved from kyanite.
Naia stood beside him, arms at her sides, peering up at the blank spot on the wall over Mira’s head and wishing she were anywhere else in the world.
Not that she had been doing anything of importance before being summoned. Though, it had taken Raksa an hour to locate her in the far cove south of the palace. For the first time in a long time, the attendant’s annoyance had brought a touch of a smile to her face.