Page 1 of Without Apology
I was running late. Not that my older sister would be surprised by that fact. I almost always ran late. This Friday, I was cutting out of work earlier than usual in order to babysit her three kids overnight while she and her husband made a romantic night of their ten-year anniversary. I now faced the time challenge of leaving the office, running home to change and get my dog, and then dropping by the grocery store—all while trying to arrive at my sister’s by six.
I’d shut down my computer and was gathering my stuff when Jeff, the director of payroll, invited himself into my office. I cringed, not wanting to deal with him today. Or any day, for that matter.
“You’re leaving early, Peyton.”
As the accounting director of Maddox Consulting, I typically put in fifty-hour weeks. Since I’d been here since seven this morning and was only leaving at four—dammit, now four-fifteen—I didn’t feel one ounce of guilt in doing so. Besides, I didn’t have to justify myself to a fellow director.
“Actually, I’m leaving on time for a change. What did you need?”
I couldn’t help my cool tone. The guy was hardly ever in the office, spent company money on anything he could get away with, and basically forwarded any actionable email for me to take care of. Despite the fact we were peers, he always treated me like I should be fetching his coffee. It had been like that all through the three years he’d worked here. I suppose some women might find him attractive with his newscaster hair and insincere smile, but he’d always rubbed me the wrong way. Even before he ever opened his mouth to prove he was a dick.
“I was dropping by to tell you George called. He’ll be here Monday.”
George was the owner of the company. He often said I was his ‘key’ person, so I was surprised he’d informed Jeff rather than me that he was coming in.
“Did he say why?”
“Word is he’ll be here to announce the new CFO position.”
With our former boss, the CFO, retiring, the position required a replacement, and the opening had been posted a week ago. I knew without a doubt Jeff had applied. Of course, I’d been mulling it over myself as it was the next logical career move for me. However, the title had its drawbacks.
“I hadn’t heard the posting had closed.” Most had to stay open for two weeks, especially if they were being offered externally, as this one was.
Jeff scoffed. “I think we both know that the best candidate has already applied. HR is only going through the motions by keeping it posted for a minimum amount of days.”
I had to grit my teeth. The last thing anyone wanted was for the lazy bastard in front of me to become boss over the entire accounting department.
My worry over reporting to him made me miss his next words.
“What did you say?”
“I said he could be coming in to lay off staff.”
Considering the owner could fire Jeff tomorrow, save one hundred and fifty thousand, and not see one dip in productivity, I had to bite my tongue. Despite the growth of the company and that we handled all of the accounting needs from this office, we maintained a slim staff. “That would be a shame.” I slung my computer bag over my shoulder along with my purse, hoping he’d get the hint I was done with the conversation and needed to go.
“Not always. Sometimes it’s good to keep staff on their toes. Make sure they understand they need to be productive or else.”
Clearly, we had a different view regarding how to motivate the people who worked here. “Yes, well, we’ll have to agree to disagree. I need to go. Have a nice weekend.”
He turned red at the fact I was dismissing him, but instead of storming out the way he normally did, he decided to throw his weight in my face. “I realize you’ve been here a long time, but I’d watch your tone with me. After all, I could end up your boss.”
He was a completely useless figurehead who did absolutely no work. All doubts over whether or not I would apply for the position went out the window. Pride was tricky that way. “Or I could end up yours. See you Monday.”
I literally had to walk around him to get through the door. It was annoying how he remained standing in the way. As though he enjoyed trying to intimidate me by not moving.
At least I had the satisfaction of the surprise registering on his face with my words. Obviously, he’d assumed I wouldn’t apply, which pissed me off even further.
On my way out, I caught the eye of my accounting manager, Megan.
She and her very pregnant belly got up from inside her cubicle, and she fell into step with me. “I’ll walk you out.”
As soon as we were in the elevator alone heading down, I muttered, “Asshole.”
Megan laughed. “You can say that again. Fucker doesn’t do a damn thing.”