Page 27 of Without Apology
I was angry. Not as much with Simon as with myself. Because I wouldn’t have stopped. I would’ve let him fuck me on my desk without a second thought. But the look of regret on his face really got to me. No woman wanted the man who’s just kissed her—with the best kiss of her life—to pull away with such an expression of panic and remorse.
So now, sexually frustrated, I sent Emma the email with the last spreadsheet, gathered up my things, and took the take-out bag with me.
When I arrived home, the house felt completely empty without Cooper. I’d called my sister and offered to pick him up, but Jen had told me he was happily settled for the evening with the girls watching a movie. Knowing that, I didn’t dare go over and get him. It was only one night, and they’d all be disappointed if I cut it short. I’d had enough of that look for today.
After changing into pajamas, I opened up the food bag and discovered Simon hadn’t taken his meal with him. He’d left it all for me because he’d been in such a hurry to get out of my office. As I removed the contents, I couldn’t help thinking we would have been out on our second date about now. Maybe I would’ve invited him inside. Perhaps we’d even be in my bed. Was he the type to leave afterward? Or would he have snuggled me tightly into his body until morning, when we’d then have had hot shower sex?
Jesus. I needed to stop my train of thought. Pronto. Nothing could happen. If he could look that regretful after a kiss, then I didn’t want to see the expression he might wear if we were ever to sleep together. Ugh. Time to stop thinking of him and instead enjoy a night to myself. It had been a long week.
On Monday morning, I was at the office early, knowing I had to go up to meet with the forensic accountant first thing. I could only hope that whoever they were bringing in was competent. I didn’t have the time to teach Excel to some junior person.
Emma had sent an email on Friday that explained the accountant’s name was Lyle, and he would be set up in the large conference room upstairs. That, whenever I was ready, I should come up. Fortified with coffee, I sent a quick email to my accounting manager, Megan, to tell her where I’d be and then took the stairs the two flights up.
I might’ve dressed a bit nicer than for a typical Monday, in a plum-colored wrap dress with my nicest black heels since I thought it likely I’d see Simon. My hair was straight and down my back. I didn’t often take the time to fix it that way, but I’d had nothing else to do on Friday after my bath when I hadn’t even had Cooper to keep me company.
Emma greeted me, giving me a smile. “Hi, Peyton. How are you?”
“Good, thanks. You?”
“Good. Unfortunately, our usual forensic accountant ended up unable to travel due to a bug, but he recommended someone local who’s here now.”
“Oh, okay.” It didn’t make a difference to me so long as they were capable.
I walked into the conference room where I saw a tall man in a suit with blond hair cut short but not too short. He looked clean-cut and was quite handsome. Not in a sexy way like Simon, but rather in a wholesome way.
“Russ, this is Peyton, the director of accounting. Peyton, this is Russ Smith from TW Accounting.”
I extended my hand to take his in a firm but warm handshake. “Nice to meet you.”
“You as well. Unfortunately, coming in at the last minute like this, I didn’t get the jump on things I normally would’ve. So, I’m afraid I may need this morning to get started. By this afternoon, I expect I’ll have questions.” His tone was apologetic.
“It’s not a problem. I’ll come back after lunch? I planned on working up here this week in between questions if that’s okay with you.”
He seemed relieved. “It’s the easiest thing for me, if you don’t mind.”
It wasn’t my first audit. Of course, there was a lot more riding on this one. “Not at all. See you this afternoon.”
I went back upstairs at twelve-thirty to find no one but Emma there. She told me to head into the conference room, so I had some time to myself to get set up. Fifteen minutes later, I sensed someone at the door and looked up to see Simon leaned against the frame.
I swallowed hard at how handsome he was in his pinstripe suit. “Hi.”
“Do you have everything you need?”
Need, yes. Want, no. “I believe so.”
“Good. Did you have a nice weekend?”
Nope. I’d thought of him way too often. “I did. You?”
“It was okay.”