Page 91 of Without Apology
My instant joy at the idea of getting more time with him was replaced with the fear I’d only fall for him harder. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”
“You’re not sure if it’s a good idea to go away somewhere together for a week? No work, breakfast in bed, anywhere you choose to drive to?”
He wasn’t exactly making this easy as those things sounded fabulous. “The thing is, I thought you were leaving on Saturday.”
“So, what? You already have a date or something?” His words held a measure of tension in them.
“Of course not.”
“What am I missing, then?”
I decided to explain face to face. Turning around didn’t prove as easy as I’d thought, though. I ended up plopping down in his lap. He was fighting a smirk at my clumsiness while I tried to think of the right words.
“You want the truth at the risk of freaking you out?”
He didn’t bother to hold back the smile now, brushing my cheek with a finger. “How do I say this Texas-style? Give it to me straight, no sugar coating.”
I decided to go for it. At least then I could say I’d put it out there. “It’s just that, come Saturday, it’ll be tough enough to watch you walk away. Think of it as the expiration of my capacity to hold in my feelings. If we go past that day, there’s bound to be an explosion of them, which may not be pretty.”
He appeared thoroughly perplexed. “I’m afraid you lost me.”
Okay. So metaphors weren’t going to work. Time to be blunt. “I’m already at the point it’s bound to hurt when you leave on Saturday. Prolonging this thing with another week will only make it worse.”
“Meaning you’re falling for me?” His words were quiet and measured. I wondered if they came from panic or a need to spell it out further.
I swallowed hard. “Yes.”
He kept his intense gaze on mine. “What if I don’t want to walk away this week or next?”
Now it was my turn to be confused. “What does that mean?”
His hands framed my face while his eyes locked on mine. “It means I’m falling for you, too.”
“You are?”
He took my lips in the briefest of kisses. “Yes.”
“But you have to leave—”
“No. I don’t. There’d still be some travel, but I’ll figure out the logistics. That is, if you’re on board with continuing this?”
“I want to, but—”
“No buts. I’m committed to doing this if you are.”
Could he balance both work and a relationship? Or more importantly, was I able to give him the opportunity to prove he could?
“Your work is demanding.” My words were lost once he dipped his head and took one of my nipples between his teeth.
“Give me a chance to prove it to you. Give us an opportunity. We’ll start with dinner at your sister’s on Friday and then a holiday next week. Okay?”
As if I could say no to him. His sincerity in wanting to give it a try was too hard to ignore. “Okay. Then, yes.”
He pulled back, his expression revealing his excitement. “You’ll give this a go?”
“Yes. Definitely. Maybe we could drive down to Austin for a few days. It’s a fun city.”
“Brilliant. It’ll be my first full week off.”