Page 93 of Without Apology
I’d slid out of Peyton’s warm bed about four o’clock in the morning and returned to my corporate housing flat already missing her. Last night had confirmed that her feelings had intensified the same way mine had. Was it possible to fall in love in a few short weeks? I was starting to believe it was.
I needed to have a conversation with Phillip about my next assignment, not to mention about taking holiday time next week. Truth was, I didn’t need to remain on site the entire time during these transactions. In the future, I could get them started, conduct interviews during a few days, and then fly home. Even if I was in the middle of a job, I could travel home on weekends. At least, that was my short-term plan for balancing both work and a relationship.
But long-term she wanted marriage and family. Two things about which I’d never entertained a thought until now. The question was whether I could give her what she needed. She had a father who’d spent most of his hours working, and she wouldn’t settle for a husband who acted the same. Nor would I want to be an absentee husband or father. No way. I wanted movie night, family barbeques, and even the mess which inevitably came with them.
I’d cross that bridge when we came to it, but knowing I wanted more fueled my desire to set expectations.
I’d gone from a man whose sole joy was moving onto the next city to someone who wanted to figure out how I could have it all. But I was determined to make this work. Since I seldom didn’t get what I wanted, I wouldn’t dwell on the doubts.
I showered and dressed quickly for the office, ready to put this week and the purchase behind me so we could get to the weekend and time alone with Peyton.
Close to noon, Tom came strutting into the office.
“What’s the latest with the accounting issue?” I asked him.
He frowned. Not a good sign. “Lyle is continuing to go through the spreadsheets. Jeff is uncooperative now that he hasn’t gotten the position of CFO.”
“In that case, perhaps you should remind him his current job rests on his cooperation. Actually, never mind. I’ll walk down there myself and ensure he gets the message.”
“Lyle is flying in later today. Figured it would be easier for him to go through everything here on site.”
It made me annoyed all over again to think of the bad luck that Lyle had been sick, causing us to use another auditor who didn’t know as much. “Fine. Have him sit with Jeff and ask his questions.”
If that tosser, Jeff, held up the sale, he certainly wouldn’t have a job by the end of the week.
As soon as Tom left, Emma came into my office with lunch. She looked concerned. “You all right?”
I tried to rein in my agitation. “Yes. Fine.”
She closed my door and took a seat in my visitor’s chair with her food. We often had working lunches this way. “Liar. You’re stressed. I don’t see it often, but it’s written all over your face. We’ve had deals delay before.”
“Yes, but I have plans I can’t afford to miss come Friday.” Hadn’t I just reaffirmed to Peyton last night that I could balance both work and personal? That I’d wanted more in the relationship?
“Ah. Dinner with the family?”
I nodded, taking a bite of my sandwich but barely tasting it. “Yes. And since I already messed it up the first time, there’s no way I want to take a chance on missing it again.”
“We have a few days. We’ll be sure you get out on time Friday.”
I wished I had her confidence.
Thankfully, Lyle came to my rescue the next day, letting me know Jeff had walked him through the spreadsheets, and the numbers made more sense now. The question was why they’d ever looked strange, but I’d leave that as an after-action item.
At least the paperwork was due to be signed on Friday, and the stress about missing Peyton’s family dinner had abated. I’d already called and reserved a dog-friendly hotel room in Austin for Peyton and me, with the plan to leave on Sunday and spend a few days there. Phillip had been surprised by my request to take time off but had agreed without any argument.
By Friday, I couldn’t wait to have her to myself for seven days. Only getting together during the nights after work wasn’t nearly enough. In fact, we’d only been able to see each other twice this week since we’d been so busy.
When I pulled up in front of the large mansion in a small gated community a few miles from Peyton’s house on Friday night, I realized I was nervous about spending time with her loved ones. I tended to be introverted in purely social situations. On top of that, I hadn’t grown up with a healthy family dynamic, so I had no reference for what to expect. It didn’t help that my first impression hadn’t been great since I hadn’t shown up the last time. Clearly, Peyton’s sister wasn’t one to take that lightly.
But the moment Peyton stepped out of the front door, looking radiant in a navy, jersey knit dress with her hair down, my nerves dissipated. Left in their place was my heart beating overtime. Stuck in my throat were words starting with I, ending with you, and with a love in the middle. It wasn’t the time. However, I knew without a doubt, I was head over heels.
I smiled as I watched her walk towards me, her whiskey eyes bright. She leaned in for a kiss which I happily gave her.