Page 19 of Without Regret
Why had I agreed to this shopping trip with Avery? Oh, yes, because I hoped to help her find the perfect fuck-you-for-cheating dress for when she saw her ex next weekend.
Not that Avery was a complete snooze as we embarked on our retail expedition at one of the Dallas area’s mega malls a few miles away. She was quite entertaining as we went from store to store. Unlike her first impression, when she’d been rude, she was very nice to every person we came across. I guess that proved everyone had a bad day once in a while. We ended up finding the perfect red dress, something which showed enough skin to be sexy while remaining classy, and some nude heels that looked amazing with it. I even picked up a few things. Finished with our task, we kept shopping just for fun on our way towards the car.
“So you and my brother. Do you like him or like, like him, or don’t want that type of thing since you’re working together?”
Bloody hell, that was a lot of likes in a sentence. We were in Sephora looking at makeup, and it seemed impossible to avoid answering her question.
“I hardly know your brother. Since we are working together, I hope I like him, singular and without further agenda.” Since I was reasonably sure anything I shared with her would make its way back to Trevor, I wanted to be clear.
“That’s cool. Probably a different situation for him from the usual since women normally fall all over themselves for him. My girlfriends especially. So why aren’t you? Are you a lesbian? I mean not that I’m not cool with it. I may be from a red state, but I’m pretty liberal.”
I had a clue she was talking about American politics, but it didn’t completely make sense. “Nope. Not a lesbian, but your brother isn’t my type.”
She crinkled her perfect little button nose. “What’s your type, then?”
I had an affinity for tattoos and piercings, but my preference was more about finding someone who wouldn’t get attached. No feelings and definitely no nice guys. Nice guys wouldn’t understand a girl like me who sought one-night stands with no strings, no phone numbers exchanged, and definitely no caring words. Nice guys would balk at the type of things I desired in the bedroom.
“Nope. It’s not something I’m talking about. Let’s just say it’s not your brother and leave it at that.”
She grinned. “Fair enough.”
“How about we talk about this party you’re attending instead and focus on what you should say or do?”
She took a deep breath. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Will your sister be okay at the party next week with her ex?” I lobbed this question out at Trevor on Monday night after work. He was walking Rufus outside when I pulled into my parking space. Although I hardly knew Avery, I could tell she was still raw from the breakup. Somewhere along the line, despite trying to avoid such thoughts, Avery’s problems had stayed on my mind the rest of the weekend, and I’d found myself caring.
He smiled, having changed over from his suit. He’d been in the office earlier today, wrapped up in meetings the entire time. I’d heard from Simon he was really putting in the effort and taking it seriously, trying to learn as much as he could.
“I told her to skip the party and not see her ex, but she’s hell-bent on making a statement.”
I would be, too, but then, I wasn’t as nice or tenderhearted as his younger sister. Meanwhile, I eyed Rufus warily. I wasn’t willing to sacrifice another designer dress to his drool, but I had softened toward him after hearing about his rough start. Even so, I planned to keep a ten-foot radius head-splatter zone just in case.
“But will it result in her shedding a bucket of tears? Will he show up with her ex-best friend on his arm and torment her?” Men were assholes, so I could see him doing that.
“If he does, then I’ll have an issue. I already couldn’t stand the guy, and I’m trying to stay out of their business when it comes to the breakup, but if he thinks he can disrespect her in that way, then he and I will have words.”
His alpha tone left no doubt, and for a moment I was shocked. I hadn’t expected a fierce side to him. But his loyalty to his sister was admirable.
“Hopefully, it won’t happen. She left for the airport this morning in a much better state than how she arrived over a week ago. She said she appreciated you helping her yesterday with the dress.”
“Why was she getting married so young?” Damn, I hadn’t meant to ask that question. Not only was it none of my business, but also it was prolonging a personal conversation with Trevor.
He took the question in stride. “I thought the same thing, but she’d been with the asshole since she was fourteen, and after graduating college, she probably thought it was the next logical step. But now I think she’s planning to go for her master’s degree. Maybe this time she’ll enjoy some college life instead of trying to be the perfect wife and planning out her house colors.”
The very thought of that type of life gave me hives.
“I’m sure losing our mother when she was twelve had a lot to do with it, too. My father is a good man and loves her dearly, but my sister craves the homey touch that only a mother can truly bring to a family.”
I wouldn’t know. And talking about something so personal was putting me off-kilter. I never knew what to say in these situations, especially since I didn’t want to come across as unsympathetic. “Um, well, I hope she had a safe trip home.”
I walked past him then, ready to go on up to my apartment, eat my salad with my glass of wine, and watch Game of Thrones on my DVR.
“You want to come over? Without my sister staying there, it’s quiet. And I’m grilling steaks. Not hitting on you; it’s just that temporary housing is kind of depressing. Don’t you think?”
Actually, I thought the opposite. Temporary housing was safe. Nothing to get attached to. Nothing to give you the impression it was permanent. Simply a place to stay in the meantime.
“Sorry, I have plans, but maybe some other time.” Now, why did I have to go and leave the door open like that? I should’ve simply said no. I was coming to realize friendship with Trevor could be a slippery slope into dangerous territory.
He gave me an easy smile. “Next time, then. Have a good night.”
“Yeah, you, too.”