Page 4 of Without Regret
I didn’t consider myself a creeper, but I couldn’t keep my gaze off the sexy woman’s ass, encased in tight black yoga pants, as she practically bolted out the gym’s doors after turning down my offer of dinner. She was stunning, with her black hair pulled back into a messy bun, no makeup, green eyes, and a rockin’ body with curves that could make a grown man weep with appreciation. Add her sass with a British accent, and I was a complete goner. My sister’s voice snapped me out of my newfound infatuation.
“Sorry, Trevor. Just let me say a quick apology to the front desk guy, and then I’m heading back to the apartment.”
“I’m ready to go, too. And yeah, I think an apology would be good.”
I loved my little sister, but I certainly wouldn’t condone rude behavior. She might be reeling from her fiancé’s betrayal, but that was no excuse to take her anguish out on others. We’d both been raised better.
Earlier, I’d run the mile to the gym from where I was staying temporarily in corporate housing. This was a fancy term for apartments used by people who traveled for extended periods of time. Since I intended to be in Dallas for the next couple months at least, I’d decided to forego a hotel and instead had brought my big dog, Rufus, to stay with me in the two-bedroom, furnished apartment. It also was one of the few canine-friendly places around and included a large field in back for me to let Rufus run.
Since Avery had driven my truck over, I grabbed the keys from her, and we both climbed up into my black Dodge Ram to drive back to the apartment.
My sister had flown in yesterday from our home town of Houston a mess of tears. I’d done my best to console her, but I was a dude, so my skill set in calming a hysterical female was limited. Add to that I’d never been in love or had a terrible breakup. I wasn’t sure what worked to mend a broken heart. Not that I was a player, but my relationships had always been defined from their beginnings by a time frame. High school, college, grad school—all had the expectation of an expiration date and an amicable parting. Any advice I would’ve given a guy friend about getting over someone would have been to go out, get drunk, and find a one-night stand. Not something I’d ever share with Avery. So I made it a mission to stock up on chocolate, ice cream, and Kleenex instead.
I turned, focusing on her in the passenger seat. I might have thought she was way too young to get married directly out of college and at twenty-two, but I wanted her to be happy. In the long run, I thought she might be better off remaining single than married to the only boy she’d ever dated, but my opinion wasn’t one she was ready to hear. “You doing okay?”
She gave me a watery smile. “Aside from my rudeness, about which Jeremy was quite gracious to accept my apology, and feeling completely embarrassed over my behavior, I guess.”
“At least you got out of the house. It’s a step in the right direction.” I’d tried to persuade her last night, but she’d preferred to stay in her bed. Her getting out to go to the gym was progress. Too bad she was still emotionally fragile, however. She wasn’t normally bitchy to anyone. Naïve and a bit privileged at times, but with a heart of gold. Which was why she was taking the cheating so hard. Her fiancé, Edward, was a class-A douche. If by nothing else, you could tell by him using his full first name while in the State of Texas. I’d been shocked he’d cheated as he’d always seemed to dote on my sister. But I was proud of her for not taking him back. Over the last forty-eight hours, he’d tried every excuse in the book, but she’d stuck to her guns and had ended the engagement.
“Yeah. At least there’s that. Sorry. Probably the last thing you want is me here crashing with you when you’re hoping to start your newest venture.”
“Come on, sis, that’s not true. I feel bad I have to work during the week. But we’ll do dinners, and honestly, you’re doing me a favor by being here and letting Rufus out during the day.”
It would help me to have her here at least the first couple of weeks until I could gauge if I was staying. Plus, it was better she was here than home sulking in Houston where the asshole Edward would try to woo her back and our father would simply buy her something expensive, hoping it would ease her heartache. Our dad wasn’t a bad guy. He certainly loved us kids, but since the death of our mother ten years ago, he’d had a hard time with the emotional part of being a father. Especially with Avery. And if there were tears, forget it. He’d be on the first plane out of town.
With any luck, my new job would work out, and I would stay in Dallas for the next few months. My father had started his business from the ground up and made a fortune in oil and gas. Although he wanted me to step into his shoes and take over the company business, I wasn’t content to ride his coattails. I had aspirations for my own career.
“Emma was really great in the locker room, by the way.”
“Who’s Emma?”
“The pretty British woman who put me in my place for being rude to Jeremy and then was nice enough to come in and talk to me.”
Ah. Ms. Brown had a first name. I was glad she’d been kind to my sister. From the fire in her eyes and the obvious reluctance on her part to get involved, it could’ve gone either way.
“She told me the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”
I’d been taking a sip of my water only to spit it out. I looked at my little sister, half amused and half in horror. “She said that to you?”
It was such a guy thing to say. And so very hot that Emma had suggested it. Except for the fact the advice had been given to my little sister.
“Yep. She sure did.”
“Well, I say you take some time first before doing anything rash.” My sister was a hopeless romantic who had only been with one boy her entire life. I doubted her emotions could handle a one-night stand.
She sighed. “Probably good advice, although the other seems to have worked for her. I think someone once broke her heart.”
I filed the information away. I wasn’t sure why since there was a possibility I would never see her again. However, I wasn’t above spending extra hours at the gym with the hope of getting a second chance.
“She gave me her business card.”
I’d pulled into my parking lot and turned towards my sister. “Can I see it?”
I was unable to keep the grin from my face when I saw the company for which she worked. My first day on the job was going to be a hell of a lot more interesting than I’d expected.