Page 45 of Without Regret
She held my hand a bit longer than was comfortable, ignoring Emma.
“And please call me Adrienne.”
Emma spoke up. “We’re ready to see the two floors.”
Adrienne glanced at her, smiling. “Oh, you’re British. How adorbs.”
I had to bite my lip. Emma was probably gritting her teeth at that little comment. But that was nothing compared to the next half hour while we toured the two spaces. Adrienne went out of her way to touch me any time she could.
I didn’t wish to be rude, but either she was super friendly or flirting, neither of which made me very uncomfortable. For a third time, I moved my arm from under her hand and pretended to get lost in the space around me, speaking about the square footage and other details.
“You’re originally from here in Houston, aren’t you, Trevor?”
“Yes, I am.”
“And you’re in town for how long?”
I busied myself with walking around as if I was inspecting the molding. “Maybe the next few weeks or so.” We couldn’t say anything about the possible purchase or why exactly we were in town as the details were confidential.
“My family is in Houston, too. I went to the University of Houston.”
I smiled, trying to keep things pleasant. “My sister graduated from there, too. I’m a University of Texas in Austin man myself.”
“I thought you went to Harvard.”
Awkward to realize someone had looked you up. “That was for my MBA.”
“Aw. So you decided to try out the East coast for a few years before coming back?”
I turned to see Emma pretending not to pay attention to the conversation. It was friendly but definitely uncomfortable given all the signs Adrienne was putting out that she was interested. “Something like that.”
“Is your sister by any chance Avery Newhall?”
“She is. You know her?”
“Yes. What a small world.”
Yes, it was.
Emma spoke up. “Can you tell me more about the lease terms? Are you willing to go month to month? Provide furnishings?”
I thought Adrienne had figured out it was Emma she needed to deal with, but when she brought out her two books and spread them on a table in the center of the large room, she addressed me instead. “Yes. Of course. Let me show you what we have to offer, Trevor.”
She crowded my space. With her hip next to mine, she leaned over me and put her hand on mine to show me photos of the furniture. I stepped back, but it didn’t help as she took it as an excuse to move in front of me, sliding her ass against my front. Aggressive didn’t even begin to describe her method.
I cleared my voice and glanced up to see Emma’s eyes narrowing. I literally had to go around the other side of the table to get some space. “You should show Emma. She’s the one in charge.”
Adrienne flashed her smile while Emma didn’t return the sentiment.
I didn’t miss the way Adrienne bent over to show her cleavage.
“Do you mind if Emma and I go back up to the other space?” I asked.
“No. Not at all. I’ll take you up there to the eighth floor.”
“Actually, I’d prefer the privacy, so we can talk about how this may or may not fit into our plans. Why don’t we meet you down in the lobby after? Maybe give us fifteen minutes.”
She tried not to look put off. “Certainly. I’ll meet you downstairs.”