Page 47 of Without Regret
Luckily, when we met Adrienne back in the lobby, she kept her hands to herself. And she actually looked at me when I made the decision for the smaller of the two spaces and told her about which furniture I’d need by tomorrow. Thankfully, she was willing to expedite the request. For the right price, of course.
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt jealousy. Envy, sure. What kid who was in foster care wouldn’t feel envious of kids who had parents and stability? Not to mention love. Fucking Christmas and all that stuff. But jealousy was for fools who let themselves get possessive over something which didn’t belong to them. And yet I’d been ready to claw out Adrienne’s eyes for thinking she might have any claim to Trevor. Good thing he hadn’t been doing anything to encourage her; otherwise, I think I could’ve taken him out as collateral damage. Evidently, I needed to work out harder in the gym if there was any hope of stowing this new breed of inner bitch who felt jealousy.
I managed to slip back into a professional capacity, having gained some equilibrium after my impromptu orgasm in the lift. But once we walked out the door together into the carpark, my heart started beating harder. My libido spiked. What was happening to me? Although my brain wanted to overanalyze it, my gaze fixed on his motorcycle again, letting my body lead the way.
“I don’t have a helmet for you, nor are you dressed for riding. How about I go back to my house, grab another helmet, and meet you at your hotel room to pick you up? Should take about thirty minutes.”
It took a moment for his words to register. They made sense. Much more than, say, fucking him on the motorbike in the middle of the carpark where I was certain Adrienne could witness it. I clearly needed to take a deep breath. But I was so turned on. My eyes met his and saw his expression register surprise as he appeared to read my mind.
“Jesus, Em, I’ll make it twenty minutes and meet you at your room.”
My gaze tracked down to see the unmistakable bulge in his jeans. “It would probably be safer for both of us if you do. I’m in room 318. See you then, cowboy.”
I walked away while I still could, a shiver running down my entire body when he started his engine. A man with tattoos, a piercing, and a motorcycle. I wouldn’t have guessed Trevor would be that guy.
I didn’t bother to change my clothes. Instead, the moment Trevor knocked on my door, I opened it and pulled him in. All he managed to get out was a grunt when I launched myself on him, legs around his waist, mouth on his.
Less than a minute later, he was thrusting inside of me, both of us frantic in our coupling. I’d never been like this with a man. This out of control. By the time he’d made me come twice and had ground out his own orgasm, we were both lying on the bed panting.
“Decision made. I’m taking the Harley to Dallas.”
I grinned. “God help us both, then.”
He chuckled, the sound reminding me of how much I’d missed him, even though we’d only been apart a couple of days. “Perhaps I’ll save the bike for special occasions. You still want a ride?”
I forced myself to sit up in the bed. “Absolutely. Let me put on some clothes. Jeans okay?” Although I’d always been turned on by the idea of a motorbike, I’d never actually ridden on one.
“Yep. And long sleeves along with boots if you have them. You may want to wear your hair back in a low pony tail.”
He sounded as if he’d ridden with plenty of girls, which shouldn’t have bothered me.
“At least that’s what my sister says if she ever goes on a ride with me.”
Dammit. He’d done it again. Read my mind. But the truth was it did make me feel better to hear he wasn’t taking every female he met out on his Harley.
Not good. Not good at all. I was developing an attachment. I didn’t do attachments. I couldn’t. The thought had me all sorts of anxious.
“What’s wrong?” He tugged on his own clothes, almost fully dressed.
The fact he could so easily read me in such a short time was disconcerting.
He lifted a brow. “Okay. So we can go through the motions where I pretend to believe you. I wait you out while you sit there waiting for me to ask again and getting irritated if I don’t, finally giving me the deep sigh to trigger me asking a second time. The other option is I can start guessing, but I’ll warn you that is likely to piss you off because I’ll start shouting out possible scenarios in a terrible British accent. Or you can simply spill it now and save us both the trouble.”
I had to laugh. He was insanely accurate about the way I—and probably most women—dealt with saying what was on our minds. “Sounds as though you’ve had some experience.”
He grinned. “I have a sister. Now out with it.”
“I just don’t want any doubts as to what this is.” I made a motion between the two of us.
“And what is this?”