Page 61 of Without Judgment
As I walked inside, I took in the quaint one-bedroom cabin. A double bed with a wrought iron headboard stood against one wall while the opposite wall supported a cook stove, sink, and what appeared to be a cooler. In the middle of the room was a small couch and well-worn recliner.
“The shade of the trees keeps it cool even in the summer. I know it isn’t much, but it’s not anywhere anyone will come looking for you.”
I hadn’t realized he was watching my observation. “Are you kidding? This is really nice.”
His expression said he didn’t believe me.
“What? I’m not as big of a prima donna as you seem to think I am. Although if there’s a spider, all bets are off. You can call me whatever you wish so long as you kill it for me.”
A chuckle escaped his lips. “I’ll bring in our stuff. Then I’ll need to get some wood and get the stove going in order to cook dinner.”
“What can I do?”
He was looking way too amused by my offer.
“What? I won’t stand here while you do all the work.”
“There are clean sheets in the footlocker under the bed if you don’t mind making it up.”
“Sure.” As I took the linens out and made the bed, I was very aware there was only one. The couch was small, but I supposed one of us could take that. I wondered if he would offer, but I couldn’t picture his tall, muscular body fitting.
“Earth to Avery.”
“Huh?” I’d been standing there with a pillow in my hands, fantasizing about Mason and me sharing a bed.
“I asked if you could put a blanket and pillow on the couch for me. I’ll sleep there.”
“You won’t fit.”
“I’ll manage.” And with that, he was out the back door to go gather wood.
Guess I had the answer to my question. Mason would rather take the couch.
An hour later, with the sun setting, Mason cooked steaks in the cast-iron griddle on the large wood stove while I sat on the chair watching. We’d only shared a few words. Observing him go through the simple motions of making dinner was doing weird things to me. I was already insanely attracted to him, but the muscles playing in his back through his black T-shirt while he cooked took it up to a whole other level. Who knew domestic intimacy could be hot? But while I was lusting after him, he seemed to be purposefully quiet.
“I’m, um, going outside to get some air.”
He turned and frowned. “Don’t go far. Dinner is almost ready. And put on bug repellent. It’s by the door.”
“Okay.” He appeared to be growing grumpier by the minute.
After putting on a hoodie and spraying my clothes, I stepped outside to the big Texas sky. My God, it was beautiful. When had I last gone outside to appreciate the stars? A wave of loneliness swept over me. Walking out as far as the parked truck, I set down the tailgate and took a seat.
“I miss you, Momma,” I whispered, hugging myself. I wished she was here to tell me I’d done the right thing. That despite my father’s rough edges, he loved me. She truly had been the glue. The connection between a father who worked too much and his children who were always desperate for his attention. Without her, there’d been a disconnect and void which could never be filled.
I smiled when a falling star streaked against the sky as if she was telling me she was watching over.
“You gonna make a wish?” Mason’s voice came from behind me. Having emerged from the cabin, he took a seat next to me on the tailgate.
“Mm-hm. I am.”
“You gonna tell me what it is?”
I shook my head. “Nope. Then it won’t come true.”
“I’m guessing it has something to do with revenge on Edward?”