Page 78 of Without Judgment
Unfortunately, the next flight to Houston wasn’t for another three hours, so instead of waiting, we rented a car and drove the two and a half hours. As soon as we pulled up in front of the hospital, I could see there was press waiting. Looking anxious, Trevor got on the phone while Emma tried to reassure me.
“I’m sure there’s a private entrance we can go through.”
Luckily, there was. Trevor followed the directions of someone on my dad’s payroll, driving around back to the ambulance entrance. We parked and hurried out of the car and inside.
My father was there to greet us. He didn’t hesitate but simply pulled me into his embrace.
“I missed you, Avery. How are you?” He pulled away, studying my face.
“I’m okay. But a bit frazzled to get the news about Edward. Can you fill me in?”
I halfway thought he’d say no. But instead, he nodded. “Yes. Let’s go somewhere private. All of us.”
We followed him through the hall, where I noticed three uniformed police officers. We were ushered into a small waiting room. There, I was shocked to see Mason. It seemed I was the only one surprised, however, as neither Trevor nor my father blinked an eye.
What the hell? Mason was supposed to be back in Austin attending to business. What was he doing at the hospital here in Houston?
Unfortunately, it was impossible to ask him anything in front of all these people. Instead, I had to swallow my emotions over seeing him again so soon and pretend it didn’t matter. I took a seat and waited for someone to tell me what the hell was going on with Edward.
My father’s attorney was a man by the name of Henry. I’d seen him occasionally over the years, and now he took a seat next to me. He was around my father’s age, but with far less hair. “Avery, Edward is asking to speak with you. In private. I’m advising against it. What he needs to do is make a statement to the police. But he refuses and instead wants to talk to you. We could have you wear a wire to get a confession that way.”
That single word evidently had the power to piss off a room full of people. Even my brother set his jaw. Mason, big shocker, frowned.
“Reconsider,” Henry urged, but my father interrupted, surprising everyone, especially me.
“It’s her choice. If she says no, then it’s no. She’s been through enough.”
“I’ll go in and speak with him, but no wire.”
“You shouldn’t go in alone.” This from my brother.
He was probably right. I wasn’t sure I wanted to see Edward, period, so having Trevor there might help. “Okay. Just you.”
Mason pushed away from the wall. “I’m coming in, too.” He must’ve recognized I was about to tell him no because he amended. “If you’ll allow me in, it would help me to gain as much information as possible, so I can find out who did this to him. Especially if he won’t talk to the police.”
“Okay, but nobody wears a wire.” I didn’t believe Mason or Trevor intended to do so behind my back, but I wasn’t taking chances.
After quick nods of confirmation from the both of them, a nurse directed the three of us down the hall to Edward’s room. The sound of monitors greeted me before When I spotted my former fiancé in the hospital bed, I gasped at the image that greeted me. Edward’s once-handsome face was swollen, sporting a myriad of sickening colors: purple, blue, yellow, and black. The white bandages wrapped around his forehead and wrists were a stark contrast to the color of his skin.
“Will he be okay?” I asked the young nurse who was writing down his vitals.
“He’s in stable condition and is able to talk.” She gave both Trevor and Mason a smile before leaving the room.
“Beth. Is that you?” Edward’s voice sounded pained. His lips were cracked and bruised, the same as the rest of him. He looked so bad I didn’t mind him using my given name.
I approached the bed, walking into his line of sight. “Yes, I’m here.”
“Are you alone? No cops.”
“No cops, but my brother and Mason are here with me. Are you okay?”
“Take my hand. Please.”