Page 28 of Ask Me Something
In an effort to relieve the pulsing ache between my thighs, I ground my center against his hard length, whimpering at the friction.
“Fuck.” He pulled his mouth away, looking as turned on as I was.
My hips rolled shamelessly into him, and I was rewarded with his groan.
His hands gripped my hips, pushing them back and pinning them in place. “Enough,” he croaked out. His face looked pained, but I could tell by the look in his eyes he was serious.
I started to move off of his lap only to have him hold me in place.
“No, you don’t. Don’t get pissed off because I’m saying no.”
It irritated the hell out of me that he knew what I was thinking before I did. “I’m not. You don’t want to, and I get it—”
A second scorching kiss was the way he shut me up. His hands gripped my ass and rocked me into his erection, back and forth. “Does it feel like I don’t want to?” he asked, tearing his lips away.
“But you need rules?” I clarified, breathing heavy.
He nodded and gently lifted me off of him and back into the corner, swinging my legs over his lap so that I couldn’t get up. “We both do, and even then, it won’t be tonight.”
My body rebelled at the thought, and I tried not to be petty. “I need to ask you something.”
He exhaled, most likely knowing the direction this was heading. “Ask me, then.”
“Did Jamie have these rules?”
His face told me the answer before his mouth did.
Unbelievable. I tried to get up, but he wouldn’t let go of my legs.
“Sasha, wait—” He pulled me back down and leaned over me. “Look, I’ve known Jamie since college. I didn’t have any rules with her because she wasn’t someone I wanted to be monogamous with or who merited taking the time and effort to ensure we had everything agreed upon first. Also Jamie and I know a lot of the same people from school, and although it may not seem like it, I’d like to keep my personal shit, from being reunion gossip. Up until five months ago, she had a serious boyfriend. Before that, it had been six years since we, ah, were together. And although she may have implied I see her every trip to New York, the truth is that I didn’t tell her every time I was in town.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“Because I didn’t want anything serious with her. I could tell she had started to want more and was jealous of you.”
I swallowed at his admission. “That’s why she showed up at the bar?”
He nodded. “I think she believed she’d mark her territory, but instead, you know the outcome.”
No, I didn’t, and it was on the tip of my tongue to ask what was actually said to her to end things. But considering this was my first real affliction with possessiveness, and he’d made it clear we were monogamous; I decided not to push it. “Thanks for telling me that.”
He regarded me for the longest time. “Come here, give me those lips.”
Aroused by the command, I did a very un-Sasha like thing and leaned over without protest. I could tell from the flash of pleasure in his eyes that I’d pleased him by doing so.
He kissed me one last time and then sighed regrettably. “We’ll talk more tomorrow. Did you want to go into the office or stay here?”
“Office.” It was the one place where I was in control and could compartmentalize the holidays, my sister, and Brian into a nice neat box while I got some work done.
* * *
The next morningI showered and dressed quickly for work. The nice part about the Charlotte office was that I could dress more casually than I did in New York. There was also the fact that it was Christmas week, which meant hardly anyone would be in. The owner, Josh, had given the week off to all employees. He was a lot more generous with time off since he’d met his wife-to-be, that’s for sure.
When I entered the kitchen, I spotted Brian’s younger sister sitting at the small table eating cereal.
“Hey, McKenzie,” I greeted, not knowing if she would remember me. It had probably been five years or more since I’d last seen her.
She looked shocked and then grinned. “Hey, Sasha. I didn’t know you were here.”