Page 37 of Ask Me Something
Chapter Eight
The flight down to Tortola the next day was on one of Josh’s private jets. The plane was already carrying quite a few people from New York, most of whom I’d had the pleasure of meeting at Haylee’s going-away party a few months ago. Only McKenzie, Brian, and myself boarded in Charlotte. Next stop, paradise. Evidently, there was a small airport on a neighboring island where we would land, while a bridge led to the resort on where we would all be staying. Not that we had to worry about logistics with the private plane, transportation, and accommodations already planned out for us.
“This is some style,” Kenzie remarked upon boarding the luxurious jet.
I observed the younger woman’s face as she got a first look at Will and smiled at her immediate interest. Will was a friend of Haylee’s, someone she’d met last year on a model shoot. He was young, gorgeous—and from what I’d seen—nice and down-to-earth.
“Hi, I’m McKenzie, Brian’s sister,” she introduced herself, happy to take the seat beside him.
“Nice to meet you, McKenzie. I’m Will.”
I had to bite my lip from laughing when Kenzie met my look with one of her own that clearly said, Holy shit, he’s Australian.
Brian, being the over protective big brother, frowned, but I nudged him out of glaring at the younger man. He took a seat next to his friend Mark who hopefully would provide a nice distraction for Brian not to worry about his sister. Kenzie could do a lot worse than a guy like Will, and maybe it would be good for her confidence.
Nigel, Josh’s long-time assistant, stood and took my hand in order to introduce me to his partner, David. Nigel had always been kind to me and had helped get me settled in New York when I’d moved up there. It was nice to see that David was looking healthy and feeling up for traveling. He’d battled colon cancer last year and was thankfully in remission. I had a feeling that everyone on this plane was looking for a few days of sunshine and celebration.
I went toward the back of the plane and took a seat next to Catherine. We caught up on our holidays, and then she leaned in and whispered, “Did he at least call and apologize for the other night and the nickname thing?”
Brian and I had agreed to keep our relationship on the down low; however I’d already confided my feelings about him to her so I didn’t see the harm in revealing the latest. “Better. He came over that night.”
“Holy shit balls,” she blurted out, then looked around apologetically, clearly happy that it seemed no one had heard her over the sound of the plane taking off. “Sorry.”
I laughed out loud. “Did you, Catherine Davenport, queen of all things classy and proper, just say, “shit balls”?
She giggled and turned slightly pink. “Not exactly an eloquent reaction, was it?”
“No, but it was hilarious.” We were soon in a fit of giggles.
Finally, she leaned forward and spoke quietly, “So you two, ah—”
I shook my head, thankful I didn’t have to lie about anything. “No, we’re, uh, figuring it out. There’s a lot at stake, and we’re taking things slow.” Much slower than I’d like, I thought wryly.
She smiled. “Did he tell you what he ended up telling Jamie?”
“No, we didn’t get into that. Suffice it to say he wasn’t happy with her for showing up, and he didn’t go home with her.”
Catherine sipped her water. “Maybe at the wedding, you guys…?”
I shrugged. “A lot of people we know will be there, and I’d like to keep it quiet. Chances are I’ll screw it up before it starts. You’re the only person I’ve told.”
“You know you can trust me, but why would you say you’ll mess it up?”
“There are a lot of reasons it could crash and burn.” Matter of fact, I’d started to list them all in my head about five seconds ago.
“How about you focus on the ways in which it wouldn’t? Obviously, he knows you, clearly you have chemistry, and you have history. Think positive.”
If only she knew how those words were essentially a theme song for getting through most days. “I’ll try. How about a cocktail?”
She glanced at her watch and laughed. “Why not? It’s five o’clock somewhere.”
“Good girl. I’m going to go see if I can mix up some mimosas. That way we can feel sophisticated about slugging back alcohol at ten o’clock in the morning.”
I got up and helped myself to the bar in the back. Opening a bottle of champagne, I poured two glasses.
Brian’s sexy voice came from behind me. “A drink, and it isn’t even noon yet, huh?”
My lips curved into a smile, and I turned, meeting his warm brown eyes with my own. “It contains orange juice, which makes it practically breakfast.”