Page 40 of Ask Me Something
“Sure. They don’t call me Sasha-B-Fierce for nothing.” I sipped my drink and smiled at his look of surprise that I was aware of my nickname.
“I hope you know it’s a compliment. Although my first choice was always Sasha Ice as you are the Ice Man of the advertising pitch. Nothing rattles you.”
“Did you just Top Gun reference me?” It was amusing to see this side of him.
He chuckled and then winced. “I did. But on a completely different topic, let me apologize ahead of time for what’s about to happen. Picture an exuberant Labrador retriever who hasn’t learned any manners and isn’t housebroken. He’s harmless but still jumps up, pees on the carpet, and, unfortunately, has no sense of boundaries.”
I looked at him like he’d lost his flipping mind until a handsome, younger version of Josh walked up with eyes only for me and dimples that should be illegal.
“Big brother, you’ve already got a beautiful, not to mention extremely patient, wife-to-be, so please introduce me to this vision you’re talking to,” he sweet-talked.
Ah, now the retriever comment made sense. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the analogy.
“Sasha Brooks is a friend of Haylee’s and is the senior vice president in the New York office of Gamble Advertising,” Josh introduced. His tone made it clear to keep it professional. “Sasha, this is my younger brother, Colby Singer.”
I extended my hand to his, thinking we were going to shake, but instead he brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it. Good Lord, he was laying it on thick.
“Nice to make your acquaintance,” he said smoothly.
Josh offered me an apologetic smile.
“Uh, yours as well, Colby. Talk to you later, Josh. I should probably get to my seat,” I excused, intending to break away.
“Wherever you’re sitting, I’m taking the chair next to you. Lead the way,” Colby insisted.
Turning, I arched a brow at his presumptuous self-invitation. This typically intimidated most men but not Colby, who only chuckled at the challenge.
“I’ll be honest, my first impressions aren’t always great,” he admitted with a wink.
In spite of finding him slightly obnoxious, I smiled because I knew the feeling.
* * *
Brian had acted strangelyduring the meal, giving me possessive looks and watching every move once Colby had taken the chair next to me. Josh’s younger brother flirted mildly, but I’d mostly talked with Catherine, seated on the other side of me, about her upcoming trips.
I’d been anticipating the knock I heard on my hotel room door later that night, but when I opened it up, McKenzie was there.
“Hey, are you alone?” she questioned, looking unsure of herself.
“Yeah. Come on in. Why would you think I’d have company?” I wondered if she had clued in about Brian and I.
“Colby was into you tonight. I can’t blame him because you’re gorgeous, but you should know that he’s a total player. He never commits. Besides, he’s in LA working with all of those actresses and always has droves of women after him.”
Holding up my hands, I clarified quickly, “Whoa, whoa, slow down. I’m not interested in Colby whatsoever.”
The relief on her face spoke volumes.
“Oh, shit, he’s your—” I didn’t get a chance to finish when another knock interrupted. “That’s probably your brother looking for—” I opened it and—Ah crap, it was Colby.
His brow arched. “Uh, judging by your face, I’m guessing you don’t want to take a stroll down on the beach?” Something told me he wasn’t accustomed to a look of dread on a woman’s face.
“Hey, is that my brother?” Kenzie asked, coming up behind me and sucking in a breath upon seeing her crush standing at my door.
Colby’s face faltered. “Uh, I was—Shit.”
While giving him an annoyed look at his pathetic attempt at a half-ass excuse, I heard Brian’s voice come up from behind him.
“What’s going on?” Brian’s eyes flicked from Colby, standing outside my door, to me, facing him. His voice was casual, but his eyes were anything but.