Page 95 of Ask Me Something
I rolled my eyes. Brian would never say something silly like that.
“Did you get signed up, Austin?” Tami inquired, coming up with her husband and clearly enthusiastic about the whole thing.
Brian nodded. “Yes, ma’am, I did. Lester, you want to go get some drinks with me while we wait for them to set up?”
I watched the men walk away and wondered what advice he was giving an unsuspecting Lester.
“I hope he can talk to my husband. For once, I’d like to be swept off my feet. Have him make the first move for a change,” Tami confided.
“You always have to make the first move?” I pried, curious.
She nodded. “For the most part, yes. It’s like he thinks I’m fragile. After all these years, you’d think he’d realize sometimes a woman needs to be tied down and ravaged. Oh, my Lord, I can’t believe I shared that. I’m sorry, I’ve had a lot to drink.”
I only laughed. “Don’t worry. Lester is definitely talking to the right guy.”
* * *
They called Austin’s name,and in slow motion, I observed Brian get up on stage. My heart was in my throat. Not only was he sexy with his stubble and tan, but he only had eyes for me.
“The way he looks at you. It’s sigh worthy,” Tami exclaimed.
I took another long drink of my margarita. Something told me I was going to need it.
“I’d like to dedicate this song to my beautiful girlfriend. Baby, you are the firefly to my summer night,” he crooned.
I grinned like an idiot at the declaration while Tami clapped, thinking it was the most romantic thing she’d ever heard. I prepared myself. My entire body was stiff with anticipation as to what form of embarrassment this would take. Then the music started, and it wasn’t anything kitschy or obnoxious. It was Johnny Cash’s “Ring of Fire”. Oh, no. If you were going to do a parody or sing something poorly, you did not do it with Johnny Cash.
He winked at me. Then his baritone voice started, and I froze. It was good. Like, really good, and I was completely transfixed. Holy shit, Brian could actually sing.
“Oh, wow, he’s fantastic. And look, he’s singing it to you, Mary Beth,” Tami squealed.
I nodded dumbly and merely sat there, soaking in the words. I was completely intrigued with this man up on stage of whom I had very intimate knowledge, while having no clue about his hidden talent.
He finished the song to a standing ovation, me included, and made his way over. Dipping me down in dramatic fashion, he kissed me fully to another round of applause.
I could only stare at him, completely stunned.
Once karaoke was over, we said our goodbyes to Lester and Tami and returned to the room, both happily buzzed. When the door shut, I took him completely off guard by launching myself at him.
“Damn,” he cursed.
My hands worked his pants, and I had my dress over my head before he could even help me.
“Someone is a fan of Johnny Cash,” he quipped.
I unbuttoned his shirt. “That was seriously hot, Austin,” I drawled, smiling.
He took my hands and tried to take over the kiss.
I pulled away. “No way. I’m Mary Beth, you’re Austin, and tonight I get to call the shots.”
He froze.
I stepped closer to him, caressing his face. “Please, Bri. I want to explore you the way you have me. Give me one night.”
“One night,” I repeated, watching him wrestle internally.