Page 13 of Bet Me Something
“I’m impressed, honey,” Jazz said, giving me a hand up from the floor.
The only problem was my dismount had left a lot to be desired. When I went upside down, my dress flipped over so that everyone could pretty much see my entire ass sporting my thong.
I flopped down on the seat beside Colby, exhausted. “Okay, girls, I’m gonna let you take it from here with a new respect from me. Show me a proper striptease which will make my next boyfriend grateful for the lesson.”
It might’ve been my imagination, but I swear I could see a bulge in Colby’s slacks before he turned his body away from me. Was it possible I’d finally managed to turn him on?
* * *
I only madehim stay for another twenty minutes. The girls were beautiful and could dance, but my curiosity was sated and, frankly, I was anxious to see more of what Vegas had to offer.
Colby instructed the driver to take us to the Bellagio before heading to a nightclub along the Strip. After we waited a few minutes, the beautiful water show started and by the end I could see why it was definitely worth seeing. Smiling, I bumped my hip into his, feeling more and more like myself. I was back to the fun-loving, confident Kenzie I’d been before my party. “Thanks for this.”
His arm went around my shoulders as he kissed the top of my head. “Happy graduation, sweetheart.”
After the water show was done, he turned toward me while the crowd began dispersing around us. “So what’s next?”
“Dance and drink a lot.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
We walked along the Strip, arm in arm, to Caesar’s Palace where we were greeted and put into a VIP section once we entered the club. The music was pulsating, the people were gorgeous and the drinks started flowing. Never one to shy away from the dance floor—what else were ten years of dance lessons for—I downed a drink and attempted to get him out there with me. “Dance?” I had to nearly shout.
He shook his head. “No, you go ahead.”
After traveling downstairs to the main dance floor, it wasn’t long before I had company in the form of two guys. They weren’t unattractive, but I wasn’t a girl who was okay with a stranger touching me. I smiled politely, trying to extricate myself, only to find them more aggressive with one putting his hands on my hips from behind and the other caging me in front. I stopped completely and pushed on the chest of the one blocking me. “No thanks, guys.”
Moving to the right, I felt a set of arms come around me from the back. I was about to stomp on the instep of the asshole when I calmed to Colby’s voice in my ear.
“Relax, it’s me.”
I turned around in his arms. “You were two seconds away from a very bruised instep,” I spoke in his ear.
“Mm, those two were very close to getting more than a bruised foot.” His hands remained on my waist as the beat changed with the new song.
I’d danced with him previously at his brother’s wedding but never like this. This was fast-beat, sexy, thumping music. His body was close enough I could smell his soap and aftershave. With my heels, I was nearly his same height, which made it easy for me to put my hands on his hips. We moved in sync with the sexual tension crackling between us. When the song ended, there was a moment where I was positive he was going to kiss me, but instead he suddenly pulled away as if remembering who I was, shoving his hands in his pants pockets.
“Come on, I have an idea of what we can do next,” he threw out there.
So did I, but something told me we didn’t have the same thing in mind.
* * *
“What are we doing here?”I asked, noting the karaoke happening the minute we walked into the bar of the next hotel over.
“You’re singing something.”
“Now way, not happening. What part of stage fright did you not understand?”
He waved me off. “So take another shot and get over it.”
I shook my head, realizing I should’ve known better than to tell Colby I was afraid of anything. Even though I had my buzz on, I still didn’t think I was feeling brave enough to get up on stage, at least not yet.
“All right, let’s make a wager. I bet you can’t get up there and belt out a song with a standing ovation.”
I laughed. “You’re supposed to believe in me, not bet against me.”
“Ah, but I’m aware of how competitive you are, which means you’ll want to prove me wrong. Plus, if I were to bet you could do something, you’d be able to say, ‘nope, I sure can’t.’ You have to put in some effort to win.”