Page 35 of Bet Me Something
He clenched his jaw, studying my face as if he was waiting for me to say I was kidding. “What else?”
“You didn’t use your hands.”
He grinned. “If I had, I doubt very much you would have been focused on the kiss, sweetheart.”
Blushing, I thought about how skilled his hands probably were. “I didn’t mean to grope me. I meant to touch my face, brush my hair aside, or cup my chin.”
He shook his head. “I think it goes back to the whole emphasis you’re putting on it. Not that I’m offering it up, but there are a lot better things beyond the kiss. Plenty a woman can testify there are no complaints in that department.”
“Unless you’ve asked someone you previously dated, I don’t think you can put such a statement out there.” Clearly, he didn’t get it. “How about we agree to disagree?”
He wasn’t giving up, though. “Name one good thing that comes of only a kiss.”
I’d always felt comfortable sharing most things with Colby, however over the last couple of days we’d crossed into new territory, blatantly sexual in our conversations. Considering he’d left the door wide open with the topic of conversation, I decided to be blunt.
“Okay, how’s this: a great kiss should make my vision blur, my body tingle and, most importantly, make me so unbelievably wet that I could almost climax with it alone.” I witnessed his eyes dilate with desire and a breath leave him. Well, that was promising.
He cleared his voice. “Right. I, um, I don’t think that’s even possible.” He pressed play on the movie and then a little while later got up, begging off to make a phone call.
I was contemplating turning in for the night when he came back out to the living room. “Everything okay?” I asked, immediately noting his frown.
“I called a woman I used to date.”
I instantly wondered if it had ever been serious and hoped my voice sounded cool and breezy when I asked, “Oh, who’s that?”
“She’s a news anchor in LA and probably the closest thing to a girlfriend, although we only dated for a few weeks.”
“Why didn’t it work out?” This. This was the type of thing I never would’ve asked while in the crush zone but now felt comfortable doing. I craved information, both good and bad, about him.
He shrugged before admitting, “She needed someone a little more refined. And I was constantly on edge I’d say something inappropriate. I recognize I’m not the best boyfriend material, but no one wants to be made to feel as though they’re someone’s project.”
I crinkled my nose. “That sounds like spending time with my mother.”
He threw his head back, laughing. “Kind of, but with the sex.”
“Eww, thanks for that image. Anyhow, why’d you call her?”
“I asked her about the kissing.”
I was shocked. Had I made Mr. Confident that self-doubting? “What did she say?”
He exhaled heavily. “She said I preferred to get straight to the point, but when I did kiss her, she remembers hoping I’d get straight to the point.”
Oh, boy. I’d never seen Colby look insecure about anything. “On the bright side, she must’ve enjoyed the straight-to-the-point stuff enough to want to skip to that. And you said yourself that the kiss isn’t important.”
“Yeah, except finding out you suck at it isn’t fun, either.”
I suddenly felt bad. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to give you a complex.”
“No, you didn’t. If anything, I should thank you for being honest with me.”
I smiled until his next words about knocked the air out of me.
“I want a do-over.”
“Wh—what?” Great, now he had me stuttering.
“You heard me. I want another chance. You could, um, show me what you mean by a great kiss.”