Page 37 of Bet Me Something
I stood up unsteadily. “Yeah, we’re fine. I should go to bed.”
Normally, he would’ve kissed me on the cheek or at least given me a hug; however he didn’t make a move to do either this time around. Suddenly, I was in a hurry to get behind closed doors.
“Kenz, wait. You’re not going to be all weird about this now, are you?”
Irritation instantly bloomed. “Why do you assume it’s me who’ll act weird? You’re the one who’s been acting strange ever since the first time.”
“You’re the one who bet me into it.”
I put my hands on my hips. “Funny, I don’t remember our bet having a do-over clause. That was all you.”
“Maybe my ego didn’t enjoy hearing the kiss was awful, but that doesn’t mean I want you all emotional about it. Nor does it mean I’m interested in more.”
“You’re such a jackass.” I stomped down the hall, slumping against the guest bedroom’s door to the floor once I was inside. I was both confused and angry.
The soft knock came quickly. “Open up, please.”
“Go away.”
“I’m sorry. I was a complete asshole. You’re one of the most important people in my life, Kenz, and if I lost your friendship, I don’t know what I’d do.” He paused. “That kiss kind of took me off guard, and I reacted badly.”
He made it hard to stay mad. “It would be easier if you stayed a jackass.”
“Yes, it would, but you already called me adorable earlier. No takebacks.”
I couldn’t help but smile. “We’re fine, and I promise: no girly emotions. It was just a kiss.”
“So would you classify it as your best one ever?”
“Jesus. Your ego knows no bounds. Maybe I didn’t like it at all.” I decided to be a brat.
“I’m reasonably sure the wet spot on my leg would beg to differ.”
“Maybe if you hadn’t rubbed your non-interested erection against me like that, we wouldn’t have had that problem,” I retorted.
The sound of laughter led away from the door. “Touché, sweetheart. Touché.”