Page 43 of Bet Me Something
Chapter Eight
By the time they were done with the CT scan and casting my wrist, it was after midnight. I was exhausted, and the pain medication was making it impossible to stay awake. Nurse Charlotte was talking, but I couldn’t understand her until she hovered above my face.
“Honey, you get some rest and let those meds do the trick. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon when I’m back on shift.”
I don’t even think I managed a nod before passing out.
“What the fuck, Kenz? I swear if you weren’t already hurt, I’d kill you.” It was Colby’s voice.
Deciding he couldn’t possibly be yelling at me in my dream unless he was a prick there, too, I grasped he must be real and in my room right now. My eyes fluttered open, and I saw his face next to mine.
He expelled a deep breath, and a gentle hand stroked my cheek. Relief was etched into his features.
“You’re either an asshole in my dreams, or you’re real and still an asshole.”
I was rewarded with a smile and then a stern look. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
“Can’t you?”
I watched him wince. He ran his hand through his hair. “I was in a movie theatre with the premiere about to start. Plus, the reception was terrible.”
“I get it.” I pushed myself up further on my bed, inadvertently letting out a small cry when I put weight on my injured wrist.
“Christ. Did you break it?” He glided his fingertips over the pink cast.
“That and my ankle. Oh, and a couple of ribs, which means you can’t make me laugh.”
His expression looked mischievous for a second before sliding back into concerned. “What did the CT scan say? Brian mentioned you were having one.”
Ah, so he had talked to my brother. “It was normal. Well, normal for a crazy twenty-two-year old female anyhow.”
“Considering you threw yourself in front of a moving car to get my attention, I’d say that’s pretty crazy.”
I knew he was teasing, but it still fired up my temper. “You’re a narcissistic ass.”
He chuckled, even while his hand didn’t leave my good one. “My ass is not narcissistic although I maintain if it was, it would have every right to be. It’s a nice ass.”
I shook my head, trying not to laugh.
The look in his gaze reflected his worry, and this banter was his way of getting back in balance.
“Are you hungry or thirsty? Brian and Sasha should be here in another three hours. I’ll stay with you at least until they arrive. He sounded shaken up on the phone.”
“I told him I’m all right.”
“Did they catch the guy?”
I shrugged. “I’ve been a little busy being passed out, but the doctor did say the police would be by in the morning to take my statement, so I’m assuming they’ll tell me then.”
“I feel terrible. I’m sorry you had to call your brother because I cut you off. And then telling you I’d only come if you were lying in a ditch. That was a new low, even for me.”
“I figured you’d probably regret that little comment once you found out what happened, but it’s not as though you knew. I’m sorry I ruined your date.”
“You didn’t ruin anything. I’m here because I want to be.”
“You’re here because Brian called you, and you feel an obligation.”
“Are you serious?” He was instantly pissed off. Unfortunately, I was finding this side of him pretty hot.