Page 46 of Bet Me Something
“We brought you breakfast. Is there anything else can we get you, Kenzie?”
The smell of food caused my stomach to rumble. “Breakfast is about it. Food helps with the pain meds, which I’ll apologize for up front because they knock me out.”
“No need to. You want one of your favorite froufrou coffees from downstairs with extra whip?” Brian asked.
He always remembered these types of things. “Sure. That would be great.”
While the boys went downstairs for a coffee run, Sasha stayed to keep me company. I was more than happy to gorge myself on an egg sandwich. We ate in silence for a few minutes.
“You doing all right?” Sasha inquired as we finished up our breakfast.
“For getting hit by a car yesterday, yeah, I’m doing okay.”
She smiled. “The police officer was easy on the eyes.”
“Yeah, and since he didn’t seem put off by my hospital gown or Pleasure Palace confession, there may be hope for me yet. It’s kind of your fault I was there, actually.”
She instantly looked horrified, causing me to quickly amend what I’d said.
“Sorry, that was a bad way of phrasing it. I was referring to few months ago when you said if a man couldn’t appreciate me, then to hell with him, get a good vibrator and glass of wine.”
I could see when recognition of her own advice dawned on her. “Ah. I take it things aren’t going well with Colby?”
I told her briefly about me calling him on his date. “Maybe now isn’t the right time. Maybe it’s like you and Brian, and we need to continue to be friends a while longer.”
“You need a break from the feelings, don’t you?”
I knew she’d understand. “Yeah. I do. Because do you know what the definition of insanity is?”
She shook her head, probably thinking I was crazy at the moment for my random question.
“It’s the continuation of doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results each time.”
“What is?” Colby questioned, coming into my room with my brother. With coffees in hand, they’d obviously heard the tail end.
I decided the truth would do. “The definition of insanity.”
“How’d that come up?”
His green eyes were laser focused on mine as if he knew I was talking about him. “Take your pick, but I’m tired of the cycle. That’s why I can’t wait for my internship. Oh, shit. I’ll still be able to do it despite this, right?” I motioned to my ankle and wrist.
Brian sighed. “We’ll talk to your doctor and go from there. Okay?”
* * *
Later in theafternoon when my doctor came in to speak to me, he unfortunately didn’t have good news. Sasha squeezed my good hand while Brian asked a bunch of questions. Colby stood to the side, his expression unreadable. I tuned out after he’d started talking about weeks of recovery time, which included physical therapy and not being able to drive. Hell, I wouldn’t be able to do much of anything since both my right hand and foot were injured.
I watched numbly as the doctor walked out with my brother, discussing what time I could be discharged.
When Brian came back in, his eyes were sympathetic. “I could call this record producer and ask him if there’s any chance he’d postpone or maybe he could make some sort of allowance?”
My voice was resigned, and it was all I could do to keep the tears from falling. “Thanks, but there’s no way they’ll do that. There were a thousand other people who applied for this job who can start on Monday. Making an exception when I’d be of no use to anyone is too much to ask. I can’t even drive myself there, so I’ll call the HR lady tomorrow and tell her the news.”
“I’m sorry, sis. I know it meant a lot to you.”
It was as if I’d found a hole in the life raft I’d been clinging to after my mother had sunk the big ship. “I, um, I’m gonna call the nurse and get more pain meds, then take a nap.” I needed a moment to get my emotions together without totally breaking down in front of everyone.
“Okay, we’ll let you get some sleep.”