Page 48 of Bet Me Something
Chapter Nine
Colby looked like he couldn’t believe those words had come out of my mouth. Hell, neither could I.
“You don’t want to move home, Kenz.”
“No, I don’t, but I’m smart enough to recognize when it’s time to admit defeat.”
“You can’t. I won’t let you.”
“Don’t you see? I put it out there that I was hell-bent on becoming independent, and the universe answered by hitting me with a fucking Toyota Corolla. I can’t think of a more obvious sign than that.”
His PDG was off the charts. “You’re adorable, you know that?”
I sighed, trying not to get distracted. “It’s only temporary until I can literally get on my feet and figure out what to do next.”
He shook his head. “You can move in with me. I already discussed it with your brother.”
Were hallucinations a side effect of the drugs? Because I thought he’d said I could move in with him. “What?”
“I said you can stay with me.”
“No way.” I was no expert, but I was reasonably sure Tips To Get Over a Guy didn’t include this as an effective strategy.
He appeared mildly offended. “Why not?”
I swallowed hard, not wishing to sound ungrateful, but it wasn’t like I could tell him the truth. “I don’t mean to sound unappreciative, but the last thing I want is for you to have to take care of me.”
“It’s only for a few weeks; then you’ll be up and around.”
It would be absolute torture to live with the man, seeing as I couldn’t get thoughts of our last kiss out of my head. “What did Brian have to say?”
“He thought you’d rather stay with me temporarily out here in LA than move back to Charlotte with him.”
That was true. The thought of having to travel across the country and move in with my brother, who was trying to manage a long distance relationship with his girlfriend, sounded even less appealing than residing temporarily with Colby.
“It’s not like I don’t have the space.”
I sighed, aware he had a four-bedroom mansion in Santa Monica. “You have your company to run.”
“I have flexibility to work from home for a few days plus I’ll ensure you have a driver for those times I’m unable to take you for appointments.” His voice sounded hopeful.
“Wouldn’t I cramp your nighttime activities?”
He shook his head. “I don’t have parties at my house any longer. Too much work to set up and clean up.”
“I didn’t mean parties, I meant your dates. Won’t having a girl living with you interrupt your plans?” Because it would absolutely kill me if he brought a woman home to his bedroom with me in the house.
He looked uncomfortable. “I don’t bring women back to my house. Anyhow, I’ll get the master bedroom ready for you as it’s on the main floor, and you’d have a bathroom that’s easily accessible.”
“But I don’t want to—”
He held up a hand as if knowing I was going to finish the sentence with ‘be a burden.’ “You wouldn’t be. Please say yes. I’ve gotta be better than living at home with your mother.”
He had a point. As far as getting over him, I could still try with baby steps, right? “Okay. For a couple of weeks until I get through the initial appointments.”
* * *
By the timeI was discharged, it was late in the afternoon. With both my brother and Sasha in the car, Colby drove us all in his Land Rover to his house in Santa Monica. Exhaustion from the short trip started to set in, so I was thankful once we pulled in front of his gated driveway.