Page 62 of Bet Me Something
Turning, I found the source of the voice and, wowsers, was he attractive. Like, movie-star handsome, which made sense considering this was that type of party. I surveyed the overlook once more, taking in the view in every direction. “It does.”
I sensed him come up beside me and lean over the rail.
“What’s your name, beautiful?”
“I’m Kenzie.” I faced him, realizing that once he was up close, he was even more good-looking. Brown hair clipped short but stylish in the front, strong jaw, and the most important criteria when meeting a guy: he was taller than I was, standing well over six feet.
“Nice to meet you, Kenzie.” He extended his hand, taking mine.
“You, too, but you didn’t give me your name.”
“You don’t know who I am?”
“Nope. Why would I?”
His blue eyes showed surprise, then amusement. “I’m Jordan, and this is refreshing. Let me get you a chair, so you can get off that boot. What happened, by the way?”
“I got hit by a car.”
He started to laugh and, once we sat down, he studied me. “Holy shit. You’re serious?”
I nodded, thinking the story was definitely a good ice breaker. “It’s true. One minute I was walking on a sidewalk, and the next a drunk driver jumped the curb and took out three of us.”
“Damn. Everyone okay?”
I liked how he asked this question. “We all made it. Broken bones, but no lives lost, thankfully.”
“So, you truly don’t have a clue who I am?” He raised a brow as if to challenge whether I was playing him or not.
I shook my head. “Sorry. I’m guessing you’re an actor, but unless you’re on Walking Dead or Game of Thrones, I wouldn’t know who you are. Even then, with all of the makeup, I’m not sure I’d recognize the cast in plain clothes, either.”
He threw his head back, chuckling good naturedly. “I won’t take it personally. And you have good taste, as I love both shows.”
“Kenz, there you are.” Colby’s voice came up from behind us. I saw the look of recognition when his gaze fell upon the younger man next to me. “Jordan, nice to see you.”
“You, as well, Colby. You two know one another?” he questioned, glancing between us.
I didn’t miss the possessive way Colby put his hand on my shoulder while standing directly behind me and I wasn’t having it. Not because I was actually interested in Jordan, but because I was determined to call Colby out on his indecisiveness. He didn’t get to have it both ways.
“Colby’s like an older brother. A protective one at that,” I said, shrugging away from his touch while giving him a pointed look over my shoulder as if to say, aren’t you?
Jordan seemed relieved, flashing his own version of a PDG in my direction. Not bad, not bad at all. His eyes then focused on a man who’d stepped out on the balcony and was giving him a nod. “Sorry, honey, duty calls as there’s a director in there I need to speak with. You’ll be out here when I return though, right?”
My brow arched at his assumption that I’d wait for him. “I may or may not be. But if not, then it was nice meeting you.”
His megawatt smile faltered. “I’ll only be a minute. Promise.”
After watching him go inside, I turned toward Colby, who was frowning at me.
“What the hell was that about?” he demanded.
“What do you mean? You’ve never seen a guy hit on a girl and her not make it easy for him?”
Annoyance was obvious in his tone. “He’s a complete player. Has a new girl every other day.”
“Let me guess, you guys have a special nod or ring that signifies membership in such a club?”
He took the seat Jordan had just vacated, directly across from me. “He’s me a few years ago, so believe me when I say I’m aware of the type.”