Page 65 of Bet Me Something
Chapter Twelve
Colby was quiet as we made our way through the mansion and then waited for the valet to bring the car around. Given it was my first time out since the accident, I was happy to call it a night.
After we’d climbed into the car and were driving back to the house, he finally spoke. “Was that a strategic move, or do you truly feel that way about having to call a guy?”
“It’s how I feel. I thought I told you on the night I was drunk in Vegas about my dating rules.”
“You told me about the five date thing but not the calling stipulation.”
“I don’t think it’s a bad thing to ask a guy to make some effort if he’s interested. Especially the first time.”
“Agreed, yet you don’t seem to care if he does or not, do you?” he mused.
“Of course I do. I want to win the bet,” I admitted, smiling.
“Jordan Pratt having to work for it. I applaud your effort, but I still don’t think he’s going to bother.”
“What would you have done if that had been you a few years ago? Would you have called?”
He heaved a regretful sigh. “No, and if he’s anything like the way I was at his age, he’s probably taking some other girl back to his hotel room tonight.”
“Although that would be somewhat disappointing, I did just meet the guy, so expecting exclusivity before a first date is a little much.”
He shook his head. “It shouldn’t matter if you just met him tonight. If he was into you the way you deserve, then he wouldn’t so much as look at another woman after meeting you. All of his energy, all of his thoughts would be focused on you. He’d be smitten enough that no other woman could come close to what he gets by thinking about, talking, or being with you. And he’d already be consumed with getting your number and plotting how he could see you again.”
Holy shit. How did a man who seemingly didn’t desire a relationship know about feelings like that?
“I have a question for you.” He flicked his eyes over toward me.
“What is it?”
He hesitated before asking, “How many guys have achieved fifth date status?”
Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered if I should tell him the truth, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it for fear his barrier wall would go up permanently. At the same time I also wouldn’t lie, which left avoidance as the only option. “Do we really want to have a talk about numbers?”
He looked mildly embarrassed. “Yours, yes; mine, absolutely not.”
“I wouldn’t judge you for yours, so why would it matter if mine was two or forty for me?”
He chuckled. “Well, it’s obviously not forty. That would be like forty times five dates and who has that kind of time?”
I grinned. “Okay, it’s not forty.”
“Knowing Jordan’s history with women, it doesn’t bother you?”
I answered carefully, wondering if this question was more about him than Jordan. “Not if he wants to be with me and is willing to leave it in the past.”
“Are you hoping he’ll ask you out?”
“I’m not sure. It might be nice to go out with a guy who’s not in college, for a change.”
“You’re truly into this whole five-date rule thing, aren’t you?”
“It’s not about the dates as much as it is about wanting to get to know someone and rule out douchebag status.”
“Wine and dine with staged romance?” He rolled his eyes at the thought.
“Come on, you know me. I’d rather it be something casual and fun.”