Page 79 of Bet Me Something
In all, it was a great morning of smiles. I felt like I was finally giving back to this world, humbled that these children and their families could be going through a struggle for life yet were grateful for me, a simple girl in an Elsa costume.
We got changed and returned to the car around lunchtime. “You hungry?” I asked, noticing Colby was uncharacteristically quiet.
“I could eat. Do you know what the little boy with the video game is being treated for?”
“I don’t, but I could ask.”
He shook his head. “No, that’s okay. I’ll ask maybe the next time I go with you. That is if you’ll have me?”
“Are you kidding, you were an amazing Kristoff. I’d love for you to come with me another time.”
“It’s so incredibly fulfilling, yet sad at the same time.”
“I agree. It’s overwhelming, isn’t it?”
He let out a long breath, looking straight ahead toward traffic. “Yeah. My mom does all of these charity things, but aside from showing up at overpriced fundraising dinners and auctions, I’ve never done anything.”
“It’s never too late to start which is what you’re doing now.”
He turned and looked at me, setting a hand on my thigh. “You were terrific with your singing. The song choice was, uh—”
“Ironic, right? Now if only I could live my life with a Let it go mentality.”
“Any nerves?”
“Some, but compared to how those kids are brave on a daily basis—I guess it puts it all into perspective.”
He squeezed my leg and then pulled into an In-N-Out Burger. We ate in the car, mostly in silence, both processing the morning.
“So, if you don’t mind, I was thinking we’d go back to my house, after which I’d drop you off at your apartment, so you can get ready by six o’clock. That way I can knock on your door properly and pick you up.”
I smiled at the charming way he was approaching these dates. “That sounds good, especially since most of my nice clothes are at my place. What am I wearing?”
“How about a dress and special panties.”
* * *
After I packeda bag of my essentials, Colby dropped me off at my apartment where I spent the next couple of hours getting ready for my date. I was shaved, lotioned, and my hair was straightened. I don’t think I’d ever spent so much effort in trying to look good for a date.
Glancing at my watch, I saw I still had an hour before he picked me up. Nervous energy had me bouncing off the walls, so when the knock came at the door, I hoped maybe he’d been equally as anxious. Unfortunately it was my mother’s unhappy face which greeted me instead.
“Are you going to make me stand in the hallway, McKenzie, or invite me in?”
“Right, come in. What are you doing here?”
She held up a folded piece of paper in her hand. “Since I had to learn my daughter had surgery from the insurance bills, I thought I’d come out here and see for myself what happened.”
I sucked in my breath. Shit. “I’m sorry you had to find out that way.”
She scanned me from head to toe, focusing mostly on my ankle in the boot. For a moment I thought I caught a glimpse of genuine concern, but then she turned to survey the room.
“I’m assuming your brother knew because when I called him, he told me to talk with you.”
I wondered why he hadn’t warned me. As if on cue, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. “Let me get that.”
“I’m sure it’s your brother calling to warn you as I just hung up with him. He didn’t know I was already here in LA.”
I silenced the ringing but typed a quick text to Colby.