Page 10 of Show Me Something
“No.” Then, because he raised a brow and I was, for the most part, an open book, I shared: “It’s my soon-to-be ex’s parents. Rob was arrested this morning, and they want me to put up money for bail. One, I don’t have the cash without selling the house, and two, I wouldn’t give it to him anyhow. The messages started friendly, but, uh, they aren’t real nice now. So there’s no way I’m answering.”
“You should get a new phone number.”
I sighed. “Yeah, probably.”
“It would be the safe thing to do, in case they know anyone who can track the phone's location to you here.”
The blood drained from my face as the thought hadn’t occurred to me.
He stopped the water and dried his hands, quick to reassure me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m probably overreacting, but with your ex being a police officer, it might be the most prudent course of action.”
There was something surprisingly sexy about hearing him say smart words such as prudent, but it didn’t detract from my worry. “Yeah. I didn’t think about that. Plus I’m tired of having my inbox full of nasty messages as if I should be responsible—”
I stopped midsentence, hardly believing I was unloading on the man yet again. He didn’t need to know I’d listened to every one of their messages, telling me I should be ashamed of myself for not being a better wife to him. “I’m sorry. You got enough of an earful last night.”
He turned back toward the sink, shaking his head. “Don’t apologize. I’m a good listener.”
“Oh, yeah. Last night make you want to drop the law and become a therapist?”
He laughed fully. Something told me this wasn’t a man who did so easily. “Not quite, but, um, if you want help with a phone tomorrow, I’ll be around.”
“Thanks, but I have it covered.” Although it was tempting to have someone to lean on, I was used to being independent and needed to do these types of things for myself. “Can I talk you into taking some of these enchiladas home with you?”
“I wouldn’t say no. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a good home-cooked meal.”
I grinned, putting some of the leftovers into a container. “Well, then, turns out you have the right neighbor.”