Page 29 of Show Me Something
Now it was my turn to laugh. I’d made it sound as though Sasha was heavily invested in the grooming of my nether regions. “My guess is she wanted to hear the comedic play-by-play afterward. Or she’s just really concerned I have smooth lady bits.” I shrugged and watched him turn red. “And now comes the regret portion of your question. Sorry for the TMI. On another, less personal note, and switching topics, it was very thoughtful of you to buy this train for Tristan.”
He rubbed a hand, the one with ridiculously sensual fingers, through his hair which made me think I needed a shrink to analyze why I was so attracted to them. And the hair he’d just mussed made him even sexier.
“It’s no problem. Have fun tonight. Are we still on for dinner tomorrow?”
“Definitely. I have ravioli, salad, garlic bread, and tiramisu on the menu.”
He grinned widely. “Can’t wait.”
* * *
Turnedout a mixer was basically a happy hour on campus, attended by a bunch of future attorneys. There was a cash bar on one side of the large room and about a hundred-people milling about. The ages ranged a great deal, which was surprising. There were quite a few people in their early twenties like Haylee, but there were others who’d put off law school until later in life and were older.
I donned the same black dress and heels I’d worn to Haylee’s cocktail party a couple weeks ago since there was no way I’d have been able to wear Haylee’s shoes and actually walk. But at least my hair wasn’t in a ponytail this time. I’d left it down and managed to put some curl into it. And speaking of hair, or lack thereof, my bikini line had thankfully calmed down enough I could wear panties.
Haylee introduced me to quite a few of her fellow students. However, it was clear even she felt out of place.
“This is the first purely social event I’ve attended here, so I think everyone is in shock to see me,” Haylee commented, sipping on her wine and looking around.
I’d already gotten that impression from the comments people had given her. ‘Oh, my God, you’re here’ seemed to be the favorite expression.
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It only means your priorities are studying and your family.”
She nodded. “And since I applied to transfer to Columbia or NYU after the winter semester, maybe making friends here at this point is moot.”
“So you’re planning to transfer, after all. Good for you. Did you tell Josh yet?”
“Nope. But I intend to this weekend when we’re in New York for Catherine’s party. Regarding that, please tell me you’re coming.”
“Um. I spoke with my mom, and she said she’d be happy to watch Tristan that night. But I feel bad having her come out here and then I leave.”
“I bought you a train ticket, just in case.”
My eyes got wide.
She quickly explained. “Sorry. I bought one for Mark, too. Since Josh and I are on the trains all the time, we can trade them in for credit toward new tickets at a later time if you don’t use them. But I wanted to be sure to get tickets in case they sell out, that being Halloween night.”
“Mark doesn’t want to attend?”
She sighed. “He’s not much on social gatherings, but he’ll go to see his friends. Of course, I haven’t yet told him he has to wear a costume.”
Mark in a costume might make attending the party worthwhile. But I wouldn’t plan to stay the night. Hotels in New York City were too expensive. Hmm, maybe I could go to the party for a couple hours and take a late train back home. That would work out well. Also, I’d certainly love to see Catherine again. Although she was the editor-in-chief of a major fashion magazine, she’d been down-to-earth and very friendly. Her perspective on divorce had been a breath of fresh air for me, especially when she’d spoken of the importance of finding oneself again.
“All right. I’ll go. But I need to find a costume, too.”
“Great. I’m so happy you’ll come. The people at Catherine’s party will definitely be more fun than this crowd. What do you think about mingling for another half hour here and then calling it a night?”
“Sounds good.” I normally had no problem meeting new people. But here at Yale law school, I couldn’t have been more out of my element. However, I refused to waste a night where I’d dressed up and hired a babysitter, so I smiled and went with Haylee to meet some other people.
As we made our last rounds, we met up with two attractive men, one of whom Haylee had class with. I forced myself to keep quiet during the ensuing conversation as it was the only way I could control the randomness in my brain and my affinity for going verbally rogue.
So when one of the guys honed in on me, I proceeded carefully.
“You’re from the South?” the guy named Chad asked. He must’ve picked up on my Southern accent when I’d introduced myself.
I smiled, detecting a hint of his own accent. “North Carolina. How about you?”
“Alabama originally. Nice to meet another Southerner this far north.” Chad was handsome, with blondish hair and brown eyes.