Page 44 of Show Me Something
“It’s not so much a party as they’re taking me out for dinner. I think Haylee mentioned she was going to ask if you wanted to come.”
“Oh. Yeah. Sure.”
Those three words coupled with his initial reaction didn’t exactly exude excitement. “If you don’t want to come, that’s fine, too. Especially if it’s awkward.” The last thing I wanted was a repeat performance of the avoidance he’d practiced at Catherine’s party.
“It won’t be. Not this time. I mean, there’s no reason it would be.”
Was he trying to convince me or himself? “Nope. No reason except maybe that you were deep inside of me last night, and we haven’t done the social thing in front of our friends yet. At least, not successfully. Are we telling them?”
“Christ,” he hissed.
I hurriedly answered my question for him. “No, no of course we aren’t. I wasn’t suggesting we do.” Even if I was slightly disappointed he wouldn’t want to, I had to remind myself that it had been my decision to make this a sex-in-the-dark non-relationship.
His laughter took me off guard. “I was only cursing because you made me hard by reminding me of last night.”
“And I wouldn’t miss your birthday night. But as for the other, I think it’s best to keep it between us for now. Don’t you?”
“Sure. So long as you figure out a way to sneak into my bed that night. I am the birthday girl, after all.”
He chuckled. “And what kind of birthday present are you after?”
My heart fluttered just thinking about him. “Tall with dark hair, sexy glasses, and a dirty mouth?”
“Call me tonight after you put Tristan to bed, and I’ll give you a preview.”
“Phone sex?”
“You started it. Wish I was there. And Jules?”
“Make sure you have new batteries in your vibrator.”
Holy crap. At this rate I wouldn’t need it. His words alone made me want to combust.
* * *
By the timeI finished dinner, bathed Tristan, and put him to bed, I was letting nerves get the better of me. What if I didn’t know what to say? What if I blurted out all sorts of inappropriate non-sexy stuff, something I’d been known to do? I’d never attempted phone sex in my life. Although apparently I’d made him hard earlier without even trying. Perhaps, maybe, I had hope.
Mark picked up on the first ring. “Hi.” His voice was husky, the one simple word full of need.
“Are you in bed?”
I wasn’t, but moved quickly to get there. “I am now.” And, embarrassingly, I was out of breath from the effort.
“Good. Are all your clothes off?”
Crap. The man was determined to have me thinking about joining the gym if we kept this up. “Uh, getting there.” Note to self: call him next time after I was naked in bed.
He didn’t hide his amusement. “Take your time.”
Ugh. I’d already failed. “I, um... Okay, I’m now naked.”
“Do you have your vibrator?”