Page 52 of Show Me Something
That little voice said, ‘if you don’t ruin it,’ but I internally told the voice to shut up. Out of habit, I turned toward the monitor on my nightstand. Too late, I remembered Tristan was upstairs. Sighing, I turned back.
“It’s hard for you to let him spend the night with someone else, isn’t it?”
I nodded, hating that I was once again getting emotional over it.
He leaned in, kissing me gently. “You could go get him.”
“I can’t. They’re probably asleep by now, and Haylee was right. It was better not to wake him up. I’ve just never spent an entire night away from him. Stupid, I know, to get upset by it.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid at all. Hey, I don’t want to see you sad. Call them and pick him up.”
I loved how supportive he was. Rob certainly wouldn’t have understood. “I’ll be okay. But I’d better check my phone in case they text or call me.”
After jumping out of bed, I walked out into the living room and grabbed the device from my purse. I frowned at the missed calls from my attorney and held it up to listen to his voice message.
“Ms. Walker, this is Harvey. Your husband made bail today. He’s been told he can’t leave the state, but, uh, you may want to be extra cautious in protecting your whereabouts. I’ll do my best to keep you updated if there are any further developments or if he pushes to see Tristan.”
Breath left me. I didn’t register Mark calling my name until he was beside me, wearing both his shirt and boxers. “What’s wrong? Everything okay with Tristan?”
“Yeah. That was my attorney’s voicemail from earlier this evening. Rob made bail.”
Mark’s jaw clenched before he reassured me. “He won’t find you. Come to think of it, we’ll have your PI keep track of him. Does Rob have an electronic GPS bracelet?”
“I haven’t a clue. Harvey didn’t mention it. I guess I can call him tomorrow and find out.” As for the private investigator, I couldn’t afford to have him follow Rob around day and night considering my funds were limited. Every time my attorney called me, I spent more money. Before the divorce and Rob’s trial was over, I’d be in for thousands.
“You want to go up and get Tristan now, don’t you?”
I nodded, trying to keep the tears from forming.
“I’m sure Haylee and Josh would understand, especially given the circumstances.”
I contemplated doing that. But Rob hadn’t given a shit about me or his son for years. The only reason he’d seek us out now would be because he’d heard about my part in uncovering his crimes. It had been inadvertent—I’d only wanted to prove he was cheating and using drugs—but the PI had found so much more.
Oh God. What if Rob did find out I’d contributed to his arrest? What if he was out for revenge? Nope, not going there. I couldn’t. I took a deep breath and convinced myself there would be no way he could find me up here. No connection he’d be able to follow. I was thankful Mark had talked me into a new phone.
My voice was thick as my mind raced. I hated the unknown of Rob being out of jail. “I, um, I’ll wait until morning. I only have a few more hours until then, anyhow.”
His arms enveloped me.
I found myself sinking into him, appreciating his support.
“What can I do?”
“You’re actually doing it now by just being here. Thank you.”