Page 67 of Show Me Something
Thankfully, Mark was the voice of reason. “As you can see, the child is in excellent health, with no bruising or hesitation toward his mother. These allegations are bogus. I’ve written down the names of the witnesses you can call in order to corroborate her story. Unfortunately, you have not only wasted your time, but you’ve also put more stress on Ms. Walker during an already difficult time.”
Ms. Fields, obviously used to this type of thing, gave him a nod and took the slip of paper from him with the names. “The child does appear in excellent health Mr. Hines, but please understand that this is our job. The only thing left for us to do here is take some pictures showing that for the file. After that, I’ll follow up with the witnesses and hopefully close the case.”
I gritted my teeth while she took several snaps of Tristan’s torso and then made more notes. Mark ensured she had my contact information and provided his, as well, in case she had need of a follow-up.
I didn’t let out a breath until the door shut and they left us alone. Sitting on the bed, I cradled my head. My entire body was shaking with rage. “The money isn’t worth this.”
Mark’s voice came quiet and steady. “That’s what they’re hoping you’ll say. If you’re okay with it, I’ll call your attorney Harvey and we’ll strategize. In the meantime, you should all go back to Charlotte.”
I took a deep breath while thinking I couldn’t get out of here fast enough. “Good idea.”
* * *
A couple hoursafter we arrived at my mother’s house in Charlotte, I was in her car driving downtown. Fury fueled my adrenaline. I was in no mood to sit around waiting. Mark had been considerate in offering to meet with my attorney for me, but I absolutely wanted to be a part of this meeting. This was my life, my son. I wasn’t okay with sitting at home waiting for others to come up with suggestions. I needed to be part of the decision-making; otherwise, I’d go crazy.
When I arrived at the law office, the receptionist only lifted a brow at my presence. Perhaps she’d been warned I might show up. “Right this way, Ms. Walker. Mr. Hines arrived about fifteen minutes ago.”
Smiling tightly, I murmured a “thank you” and followed her inside the conference room. I recalled the first day I’d come here. I’d been impressed with the beautiful marble floors, rich wood, and leather chairs—not to mention the view from the fourteenth floor. But today, I was all business.
“Ah. Ms. Walker, I was just telling Mark here that I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you decided to show up.”
I glanced between both men and relaxed some. Apparently, I wouldn’t be considered an intrusion. Absurd, but I’d started to get worked up in the car about the possibility of being left out of a meeting of which I was the subject. “Yes, well, I want to be a part of any decision or strategy.”
Mark blushed slightly. “I didn’t mean to exclude you.”
I pulled out a seat and exhaled my residual agitation. “I know, and I appreciate you offering to be here, too. Okay, gentlemen, what are your thoughts?”
Both exchanged an uneasy look, cuing a foreboding feeling.
“Rob’s parents are challenging Tristan’s paternity. They are demanding a DNA test to prove he was their son’s child.”
I should’ve expected it, but I hadn’t. I should’ve been prepared to reach a new level of rage, but I wasn’t. “I see.” The two words came out between clenched teeth.
“We can fight it since Rob is on Tristan’s birth certificate and—”
I held up my hand. “I have test results.”
Both men were caught off guard.
I had to steel myself against the shame ready to descend upon me. “Rob. He, uh, he wanted proof when we first separated. He was trying to get out of paying child support and, in the process, took a swipe at me by claiming Tristan might not be his.”
Harvey cleared his throat. “Well, that makes things simpler, then.”
Yes, I suppose it should. And yet I felt my humiliation on display. My husband, the only man I’d ever slept with up to that time, had demanded a paternity test when I’d filed for divorce. Funny how he’d been the one to cheat, but I was the one in the relationship treated like a whore.
“I’ll, um, get you a copy of the results, but what I really need you to tell me is if Rob’s parents have a shot in hell at custody?”
Harvey shook his head. “Not unless they can prove you unfit. Even then, they’d have to battle as I’m sure your mother would step in. Since she’s been more in his life than they have—Anyhow, long story short is I don’t see that happening. They made a knee-jerk attempt at it this morning with false allegations. That’s not something the state will forget.”
“Okay. What do you think their next move will be?”
Mark spoke first. “They may ask for a settlement. A portion of the life insurance.”
Their own grandson’s rightful inheritance. I had to swallow down the acid rising up in my throat from the thought.
“Or they could throw some more charges at you. Probably would be better if you went back up to Connecticut as soon as possible.”