Page 22 of Dirty Promises
It wasn’t until we were on the elevator together I realized we should’ve staggered our entrances. “Maybe you should go in first.”
She rolled her eyes. “There will be a lot of people entering the restaurant. You and I walking in together won’t be a big deal.”
I hoped she was right.
Assigned seats. Dammit, I was placed next to Shawn. He sat there with a smirk, my misery making him happy.
“I’ll trade you.” Max snatched up my place card and grinned at Shawn, his new neighbor. “Go ahead and sit across from us, Oakley.”
“Do you always do what he tells you?” Shawn sniped.
“I do when it benefits me. And when it comes to Max, a lot does.” I hadn’t meant to make the words sound dirty, but I’d clearly hit that mark judging by the way Shawn flushed and Max chuckled.
My lips twitched when I took my seat across from both men. The comparison between them was startling. I was looking at a man versus a spoiled frat boy. Max’s shoulders took up more than the width of his chair; his manners were refined and relaxed. Meanwhile, Shawn was in full-pout mode. When Max winked at me, I had to bring up my hand to cover my laughter.
Dinner was a mundane affair. Kate and Tim were seated at the head of the table along with their parents. I noticed Tim’s siblings were seated up there too. Once again, I felt a pang for how Max must feel to be left out of his own family.
The food was delicious, the wine even better. Seated next to me, Nancy, a girl I’d gone to high school with, was super chatty. After a few glasses of wine, she chose to address Max. “Why is it you haven’t been home in years? Kate never said.”
I could see him visibly tense. “I get very busy with work.”
Shawn’s eyes narrowed as if he sensed vulnerability. “What, exactly, is your job?”
Max side-eyed him. “I own a club in Manhattan.”
Nancy practically bounced in her seat. “Oooh, my boyfriend and I are visiting the big city in a couple months. You’ll have to give us the address, so we can be sure to check it out when we’re there.”
So Max owned a club in the city. My interest was piqued. Perhaps Nancy wouldn’t be the only one visiting him. Maybe I could too. Like a stalker. A pathetic sex-is-now-spoiled-with-all-other-men kind of stalker.
“Kate never mentioned you owned a club.” Shawn appeared to think he’d sniffed out something worthy of criticism.
Max shrugged. “My club is exclusive to members, and my sister undoubtedly knew I wouldn’t let someone like you through the doors.”
Shawn’s eyes flashed with anger, but he said nothing. Max had put him in his place yet again.
After dinner, they took a number of pictures of the bridal party. I witnessed the tension between Max and his father as they watched from opposite corners. It was clear from their strained smiles that both were a heartbeat away from boiling over.
Of course Shawn found any excuse to stand next to me in the photos. Once we were watching the bride and groom do couple photos from the side, he came up to taunt me. “Watched your video last night.”
He easily could have. Once my ex had released our sex video to the Internet, there was no controlling it. But I’d be damned if I’d let Shawn think he had the upper hand.
“Yeah, did you learn anything? Like a man with a small dick really ought to get better with his hands, Shawn. You’ve got to be sure to slow the video down and take some notes.” I turned to walk away, but he snatched my arm. What was with the grabbiness? Before I could tell him to get his paws off me, someone else beat me to it.
“Let go of her fucking arm before I break yours,” came Max’s growl. His voice was low, but the anger radiating off of him was breathtaking.
Shawn immediately released me, allowing Max’s eyes to focus on the fingerprints reddening my skin.
Sensing this was about to escalate, I put my hand on Max’s chest. “Let’s go. Okay?”
He didn’t respond.
“Max, please.” There were enough eggshells for him to step on without my adding more.
Finally, he focused his beautiful blues on me, making me suck in a breath.
“What’s going on here?” Kate stalked toward us, her gaze bouncing between me and her brother.