Page 30 of Dirty Promises
“Thank you, Fran. You haven’t aged a bit, and, Dan, looking handsome in your suit.”
The older man blushed and also gave her a hug.
“I didn’t realize you all knew each other,” I commented.
Fran tsked. “Oakley used to waitress for us during the summers when she was in high school.”
Small world. “Did you really?”
She smiled. “I sure did. Best breakfast burrito in town. Wish I’d had time to get over there this weekend.”
“You were busy, and we understand. It sure is nice to see you. Matter of fact, watching you two dancing together made my old heart happy. Anyhow, although it’s great to see you both, we’re bidding good night to the bride and groom and then skedaddling home. Early morning at the diner and all.”
We all said our goodbyes and watched them walk off to find Kate and Tim.
“They haven’t changed a bit,” Oakley murmured with a smile.
“I know, right? They’re good people.”
“The best. So without this sounding weird, going my way tomorrow morning?”
I’d assumed I’d be giving her a ride home. “Of course. I’d be happy to drive you home. Thought we’d leave first thing in the morning.”
“Oh, well, there’s the breakfast thing at nine.”
“We can wait until after.” I hadn’t been invited to the breakfast, but it was just as well. I’d be happier staying up in the room and avoiding my family.
She took my hand. “You’re coming, right?”
“Nah. I’m about tapped out regarding family time. But I’m happy to wait for you. We’ll leave after.”
“What are you two doing?” came my sister’s voice. She’d walked up and was staring where Oakley had taken my hand.
“I was telling Oakley I wanted to ask you to dance, and she was assuring me you’d say yes.”
Kate flashed a brilliant smile. “As if I wouldn’t say yes, big brother. Come on.”
I could feel everyone’s eyes on us the moment we stepped out to the floor. Especially my father’s. Anger simmered in his gaze.
Good, because I had plenty simmering in me too. He might not agree with my choices. He might not want me as part of his family, but he sure as hell didn’t get to make that decision for Kate. “You look beautiful. And happy.”
“Thank you. I loved the bracelet, by the way.”
“Glad you did.”
“I haven’t had a chance to talk to you a lot this weekend. Sorry I’ve been so busy.”
“Don’t be. It’s your wedding. I’m glad I could be here for it. Where’s the honeymoon?”
“The Bahamas. Tim surprised me with it. I’ve never been anywhere tropical, so it should be fun. We’re hoping for a honeymoon baby, so how better to spend it?”
I nearly missed a step. “Wow, you’re moving fast.”
“I want to be a mom more than anything. Just like all my friends; it’s all we talk about.”
“Yeah. Does Oakley have the same plans?” I knew better than to ask, but I did it anyhow hoping she’d say—what? No?
“Of course she does. I’m convinced the city thing is only until she finds the right guy she can settle down with. Then I think she’ll move home. We even picked out our future kids’ names. I chose Savannah if it was a girl, and she chose Madison.”