Page 45 of Dirty Promises
“Good. Because I don’t want kids, either.”
“You’re sure? My sister sort of indicated you’d picked out names together.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, when I was twelve, and it was fun to play make believe and wonder what our lives would be like in the future. Contrary to popular belief, not all women want to be mothers. I’ve never had the urge, and I don’t think it’ll ever change. To be honest, I’m not sure about marriage, either.”
Neither was I. Yet I’d seen it work for Shane and Daniella, so perhaps it wasn’t off the table.
“Did you enjoy what we did last night at the club?”
Her blush was adorable. “I did. A lot. But you should know that unless it had been with you, it wouldn’t have lived up to my fantasy. It was you who made it perfect. Left me thinking I might be ruined for all other men in the future.”
Hearing I’d ruined her for other men gave me a possessive pleasure. “So much for our promises about no feelings and not extending past the weekend. I’m completely falling for you, Oakley. And although I can’t promise I’ll always be the best boyfriend considering my work schedule, I’m willing to give it my best shot and make you the priority when we do have time together.”
She laid her hand along my face. “I’m falling for you too. I think together we might be able to figure this relationship thing out. How about we start by agreeing not to make any more promises?”
“Unless they’re dirty.” My waggled brows made her laugh out loud.
“Of course. Dirty promises are always welcome.”
The weeks of Christmas and New Year’s were the busiest times at the club. Shane and I typically took turns opening and closing, but during those two peak weeks, we operated on little to no sleep with every minute spent working.
I’d never minded the hours until this year. Until I had someone special waiting for me at the end of the night. Oakley had moved in with me last month, and as a result, was experiencing firsthand the reality of a live-in boyfriend who spent all his hours at the club. She’d been a good sport, but what I hadn’t counted on was how much I fucking missed her. Especially tonight on Christmas Eve.
At least the club was closed tomorrow. I intended to spend the entire day with Oakley. She’d decorated our loft with a beautiful tree, and our stockings hung from the mantel. I loved the idea of spending our first Christmas together.
Over this last year, I’d also started talking to my mother again. It had been baby steps at first, but she’d finally broken free of my father’s decrees and asked for a new start with me. I was on board. Oakley helped facilitate the bridge we built, for which I was eternally grateful. I could have gone the rest of my life without speaking to my father, but I’d missed my mom.
I was excited to call her over the holidays and tell her the big news. Assuming Oakley said yes to the proposal I planned to give her tomorrow. She was already my partner in all things, but I wanted her to be my wife.
I counted the hours until I could go home, meanwhile working the bar and strolling the main floor to ensure everything ran smoothly.
“Room twelve needs you, Max. Something about the bed being broken,” came Shane’s voice over my earpiece. He was busy getting a dirty Santa and two of his naughty elves ready for the main event, so it was up to me to deal with room twelve.
“On my way.” I walked off the main floor and buzzed into the hallway which led to the private rooms. I sincerely hoped the bed wasn’t broken. Given the industrial strength of the steel frames, I wasn’t sure it was possible. But if they had managed to break it, I’d have to see about re-accommodating the couple, a difficult task given how packed we were tonight.
After opening the door to room number twelve, I stepped inside to find a temptress in the high-back chair. Her dark hair fell past her shoulders.
“Thought you might need a little break.”
My smile curved up at the sight of Oakley. Shutting the door after me, I hit the lock. “Yeah? So you arranged for a broken bed?”
“It’s not broken yet, but we have exactly one hour to see how much damage we can do.” She stood up and peeled off the long silk robe she was wearing to reveal she was nude underneath.
I’d never get over how breathtakingly gorgeous she was. “I don’t know how you arranged this, but it makes me ridiculously happy.”
She grinned. “I had some insider help. Seemed only right to give you your first holiday gift here.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Now you just have to find it. Here’s a hint, it’s sparkling.”
It didn’t take long once I got her on the bed and began touching her to find the jeweled plug in her ass. Although this wasn’t our first time doing anal, the fact she had prepped on her own and wanted to do it here was exciting.
“Best gift ever.” I kissed her then, loving how responsive she was. I’d never tire of this.