Page 29 of Grave New World
Did he have an alibi for the time of the murder?
“Why?” her former flame asked with a frown. “Did he do something?”
“No, nothing like that.” She smiled her sweetest smile and changed the subject. “How can I help you?”
“I came to speak with Sheriff Ryan, actually. I remembered something I saw at the Treasure Room.”
Her cake had done its job! “He’ll want to hear every detail.” So did she. Jane picked up the landline and dialed into Conrad’s office, a perk she’d learned to do earlier. As soon as he answered, she rushed out, “You’ve got an important visitor, and we’re coming in. Okay. Bye.”
She hung up before he could respond, stood, and led Christopher through the door, which was already opened. Conrad looked Jane over before standing and turning his attention to Christopher. The pair shook hands. Jane noticed not even a speck of jealousy sprang between them, which wasn’t irritating. Nope. Not the least bit. Everyone took a seat.
Forearms resting on his desk, Conrad joined his fingers. “How may I help you, Mr. Wellington?”
“It’s probably nothing, but here goes. I was the first to enter the Treasure Room, with another fireman, Brent Lancaster. Jeb Hathaway, who was with us, went through the front. Or tried to. It was locked, so we let him in once we came through the back.”
“The front door was locked?” Jane interjected. Again? “You’re sure.”
But. When she herself had stepped inside the building, it was unlocked. Even though Ashley Katz had specifically stated Hannah had escorted the reporter to the door and locked up behind her. Jane should have never been able to get in. But then there was Lucy. The wild card in all this. Lucy had run out of the secret room. Had the former bank officer gone through the front or back? If the front, she wouldn’t have had time to lock it behind her. If the back, why lock the front while being chased?
And again, why hadn’t Lucy called Jane with the killer’s details? Why arrange a secret alley meetup when she feared for her life? Was she hiding something? Or playing a game?
Abigail had mentioned spotting someone matching Lucy’s description leaving the shop. Had the socialite truly seen her or lied, hoping to cast blame? Lucy would be the perfect fall guy. A known criminal in Aurelian Hills that no one had spotted in months. Except, Abigail didn’t know Lucy was in town. Or did she? Could the two be working together?
Jane didn’t want to suspect her friend. So. Supposing Abigail had told the truth, which was highly unlikely, but still supposing… if the killer had followed Lucy out at top speed, intending to stop the only witness, Abigail would’ve seen him, too. But she hadn’t. So, either he hadn’t chased Lucy, Lucy had lied, or Abigail was covering for the killer. He could’ve hung back and locked up. Even cleaned up, putting Jane’s phone in her purse. But why not kill her and finish the job? Unless he thought her already dead. Perhaps he’d never intended to kill her. He needed his player two, after all. But where did that leave Conrad in the equation?
Argh! So many roads to travel.
“I don’t know if this matters, but I saw a pair of men’s shoes near the back door. On the outside,” Christopher clarified. “Jeb doesn’t recall seeing them, though. They were dress shoes. I’m not sure what size. Over ten, if I had to guess.”
Dress shoes. Over ten. Had the killer feared leaving prints on the store’s floor?
“That’s it,” the fireman added. “That’s all I wanted to tell you.”
“Could you identify the shoes from a photo?” Conrad asked, making Jane think they weren’t there when the police arrived.
“Maybe?” Christopher hiked his shoulders. “I glimpsed them once but didn’t regard them as a thing of importance at the time. Maybe they aren’t. But I’ve been replaying the event again and again.” A shudder rocked his entire body. “I haven’t been able to turn off the mental feedback, actually.”
Jane’s chest squeezed. She reached over and patted the top of his hand.
He gave her a small smile before telling Conrad, “I hope I’ve helped in some way.”
“You have.” The world’s most perfect lawman stood, and Jane followed suit.
Christopher stood as well, and the two men shook hands again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at Hannah’s memorial. If you attend, of course,” Jane said.
“Yep. I’ll be there to support Maggie.” The fireman paused only a moment before saying, “Did you know Australia is wider than the moon by six hundred kilometers?”
“I didn’t, but I do now. Okay. Bye.” She smiled and waved, then hurried to open the door.
Her ex breezed through the opening. Brimming over with thoughts, she shut the door behind him, ready to dissect this dress shoe bombshell. But when she turned to face Conrad, he crossed his arms over his chest. Grim expectation etched his features.
“What?” she asked, looking left and right.
“Tell me everything you know about Christopher Wellington.”