Page 52 of Grave New World
by Tabby Paynes-Murksand
Lucy held up her hands in the classic I-give-up stance and burst into tears. “The killer is holding Cartier hostage.”
Conrad heaved his heaviest sigh and sheathed his weapon. He strode over and patted her down, not finding anything dangerous. “I’m debating arresting you. I’m not sure what you’ve done to my crime scene and?—”
“Nothing,” she rushed out, her eyes wide and watery. “I did nothing. I came in through the outside. There’s another doorway. Back when Aurelian Hills was flush with gold, this building used to be the assay offices where miners brought their findings to be weighed.”
Jane nodded. “We’ve all heard the stories of Ezra Sterling fighting off would-be thieves with his bare hands.”
“I think there’s even a song.” Beau thought for a moment. “We had to learn it for Founder’s Day.”
Jane cleared her throat.
“Ezra Sterling, strong and bold,
About his bravery, legends are told.
Faced with thieves, he took a stand,
With wit and grit, he became the hero of our land.”
Conrad shook his head. “This town is so weird.”
Despite her anxiety, Lucy appeared pleased she wouldn’t have to explain the basics and could go straight to the scandal. “Well, let’s just say Mr. Hero didn't mind helping himself to a little bit of each man’s gold. He stored it down here.”
Beau huffed with indignation. “People have been squirreling away gold in this town since the beginning.”
Jane suspected the time she had “requested” they dig up a dead body to look for some of that infamous hidden gold at the Garden had scarred him for life.
“You mentioned another doorway.” Conrad centered them back on the investigation.
Lucy visibly swallowed, tension radiating from her in waves. “I’ve since locked it, in case the killer used it to escape. And he must have. Because Cartier was down here before Hannah’s murder. When I returned, my baby was gone, a note left in her place. It said I’ll be in touch. Respond or else.”
Jane’s chest squeezed. The panic in the other woman’s expression and tone struck a chord deep within her. She’d experienced something similar during a previous murder investigation, when a masked woman had snuck into her home and Rolex went missing. Plus, she knew Lucy. Knew the sweetness in her heart.
Had Jane suspected her of murder not too long ago? Yes. But that was before this. And maybe she could rule out Donnie too? What were the odds someone new to town would know about secret doors? Although, Christopher and his encyclopedia of knowledge might. What if he told those facts to everyone at the fire station?
Maybe Donnie had known.
“Why is there a litter box in the secret room if the cat was kept down here?” Conrad asked.
Lucy sniffled. “Cats wander, and Cartier would sometimes get locked up there. She needed a place to go.”
“Everyone stop talking. I need a second.” Jane whipped out her phone and found her ex’s number. Once, she’d stored his name as—her cheeks heated—Kisstopher. After their breakup, she’d changed it to Craptopher. But she’d since switched it to Christopher.
Jane: Hey, do you know some obscure facts about town history?
A response came within seconds.
Christopher: I do. Is there something you’d like to learn?
Jane: Yes, please. Are there any secret doorways around town?
Christopher: Many. Maggie and Abigail asked the same question a few months ago, so I did some research and put together a map. A few of the guys at the station helped. I have the info stored on a computer at home. As soon as I get back, I’ll shoot the file your way. The town is quite a fascinating maze!
Ah ha! Maggie, Abigail, and probably Jacob had known. Jacob could’ve told his father. And the firemen had assisted. Basically, this pointed to all of Jane’s suspects. Christopher’s willingness to offer up details exonerated him. Mostly. Because it also added to his potential guilt.
She would share the news with Conrad when they were alone. “All right. Please continue,” she said, trying to tamp down her excitement.