Page 79 of Alpha Wild
“Yes. But I want to see Cedara first. Let her know what we found. That there’s a way out of this. If I’m going to spend the next few hours browbeating Jagger into this thing, I don’t want her sitting there thinking I’ve forgotten about her.”
“Casey’s not gonna like that.”
“Then you’ll convince her to let me in.” I grin.
“Right!” he scoffs. “That woman answers to no one.”
The gates to Steel Lakes open with their usual clatter as Cody sees us approaching.
“When did you go out?” He looks confused.
“Earlier,” I say vaguely. “Maybe you missed us.” I’m not about to explain that we’ve found a breach in security.
“Yeah, I guess I’ve been distracted,” he acknowledges. “More action than I’ve seen in months around here.” He props his elbows on the small ledge in front of him. “With all the cops coming and going, and now you two sneaking around.”
“Yeah, the cops.” I arch a brow. “They giving you trouble?”
He shakes his head. “Nah, just curious is all. Like when that big shot commissioner rolled through earlier with his whole security team.”
I exchange a glance with Edirn. “Security team?”
Cody’s eyes go wide. “Yeah, man. Black SUVs, the whole nine yards. I thought it was like the President or somethin’.” He gives a snort.
Edirn frowns. “That does seem odd. Calling in someone that high ranking. I know the shit over at Whispering Pines got them rattled, but this?”
“My thoughts exactly,” I agree. “You’d think they’d be dealing with regular investigators at this point, not the police commissioner himself.”
“Unless there’s more to it,” Edirn muses.
I consider this for a moment, but I’m drawing a blank on what else could warrant that kind of attention. “I don’t know enough about human police procedures to make that call,” I admit finally.
Edirn gives a curt nod, the matter clearly dismissed for now as we continue on our way. My steps grow heavier as we near the cells where Cedara is being held. Casey is waiting for us looking skeptical.
“Let me guess,” she drawls as we approach. “You’re hoping Edirn here can sweet-talk me into letting you see your girl.”
“It’s worth a try,” I shoot back with a grin, ignoring her exasperated huff.
“Don’t get your hopes up,” she warns, fixing me with a level stare. “My latest instructions didn’t come from Jagger.”
I freeze, my heart lurching. “What do you mean?”
She shrugs, looking entirely unconcerned by my sudden tension. “Just what I said. Cedara’s back in human form…and she refuses to see you. Says you two can’t be mates anymore.”
The floor seems to drop out from under me. I stare at Casey, waiting for the punchline, for any sign that she’s screwing with me. But her expression remains impassive, deadly serious.
“That’s…that’s not possible,” I manage finally, my voice sounding strangled.
Casey’s shoulders rise and fall. “I’m just telling you what she said, Barrett.”
My head spins. If Cedara has rejected our bond, severed that connection between us…
I pull myself straighter. “Why?” I demand. I’m not taking this lying down. Whatever is going on in my mate’s head right now, she’s wrong.
“Said something about being a monster. Killing someone. I guess maybe Edirn was wrong after all.” She throws him an apologetic glance. “She doesn’t want to be with you, Barrett. She says you deserve more.”
I can’t fucking believe it.
Chapter 26