Page 11 of Enduring Darkness
“So rude.” Kaden lightly scrapes his blade over my skin as he moves it higher up my throat. “Aren’t you going to greet me?”
“Hello, Kaden,” I force out between clenched teeth while my heart thunders in my chest.
His nose brushes against my neck, sending a ripple down my spine, as he draws in a deep breath. “That’s better.”
I shoot pointed stares at the people around me, silently telling them to do something. They all just snap their attention back to the stage.
“What are you doing here?” I grind out.
He tuts softly. “And you’re back to being rude.”
“You can’t just keep showing up like this while I have class. You—”
“Let’s go.”
His knife disappears from my throat.
A second later, he reaches down over the back of my seat and grabs my arm. With a firm yank, he pulls me to my feet and starts walking towards the door. There is a row of seats between us, forming a flimsy barrier, which should have worked in my favor. But it really doesn’t matter. I try to dig my heels into the floor and grab the seats I pass with my other hand, but I’m no match for Kaden’s strength, so he simply keeps towing me towards the steps and the waiting door.
I cast a desperate look at the professor, who has now finally noticed us since we’re standing up. In fact, everyone is watching us now. We were split into several groups today, so my cousins aren’t here. But I stare at the professor pleadingly, hoping that he will intervene.
He shifts his gaze to Kaden for a second.
Then he goes back to teaching.
My heart sinks as Kaden marches me up the steps and then walks us out the door.
The corridor beyond is empty now, since everyone else is already in class. I try to yank my arm out of Kaden’s grip as he starts down the hall, but his hand is like a steel band around my upper arm.
“You can’t just drag me out of class like this,” I protest.
Kaden gives me a sideways look as he continues walking me through the corridors while lazily twirling the knife in his other hand at the same time. “You keep saying that. You can’t do this. You can’t do that. For a minute there, I thought you might actually be smart. But it looks like you need a more practical demonstration.”
My heart rate kicks up. I desperately sweep my gaze around the area, but only empty concrete corridors stare back at us. I try to calm my racing heart as Kaden drags me into the stairwell and starts hauling me up the stairs.
“If my brothers see you manhandling me like this, they will kill you,” I say.
His cold dark eyes slide to me, his gaze sharpening. “Was that a threat?”
But before I can reply, Kaden kicks open the door at the top of the stairs and practically throws me through it. I stumble across the threshold and out onto the rooftop. Winds whip through my hair, making it stream behind me like a rippling curtain. While rubbing my arm where Kaden was holding me, I straighten and turn to look around me.
This section of the roof is rather small. There is nothing on it except a couple of glass jars filled with cigarette butts. Not even a railing. It’s just a flat concrete patch and a very steep drop on all three sides.
A thud echoes into the warm afternoon air.
I snap my gaze back to the door, which is now closed. It’s also blocked by Kaden.
My heart skips a beat.
Light from the golden sun glitters in his dark eyes, and though my hair is whipping in the wind, his lies perfectly styled with not a strand out of place. His lethal muscles flex underneath his shirt as he rolls back his broad shoulders while he still continues to effortlessly spin the knife in his hand.
He dominates the space so thoroughly that the rooftop suddenly feels even smaller.
I flick a glance around me again before returning my attention to the dangerous man before me. My mouth suddenly feels very dry. I swallow and edge a step backwards as the reality of my situation becomes clear.
“I said, was that a threat?” Kaden asks, picking up our conversation from earlier.
I quickly shake my head. “No.”