Page 13 of Enduring Darkness
Then a satisfied smirk spreads across Kaden’s mouth. “Good.”
Relief crashes over me as he takes a couple of steps back, pulling my body back with him. Once I’m standing upright on the roof again, he releases my throat. I draw in a shuddering breath and glance down at the edge of the roof that is still right behind me.
“Now beg.”
I snap my gaze back up to Kaden. Because he is standing so close, and because I barely reach his collarbones, I have to crane my neck to meet his eyes. Anticipation glitters in those dark depths.
“What?” is all I manage to say.
Kaden stops twirling his knife and instead uses it to point at the ground before his feet. “Beg.”
Confusion whirls through me as I blink at the ground before staring up at him again. “For what?”
An annoyed sigh escapes his lips, and his body shifts as if he is about to take a step forward. Alarm spikes through me because I suddenly get the feeling that he’s about to push me off the roof.
I immediately drop to my knees. “Please.”
Kaden stops moving.
“Please, I’m begging you.” I don’t even know what it is that I’m begging for, but if he wants me to grovel, I’ll grovel.
Light dances in those usually so emotionless eyes of his, and a satisfied smirk curves his lips. And because I’m almost eye level with his crotch, I also notice how his cock is now straining against his dark pants.
My heart flips.
He’s getting off on this?
God, he really is a psychopath, isn’t he?
Kaden arches a dark brow at me. “You call this begging?”
I bow my head and drop my gaze to his boots. “Please, Kaden. I’ll do anything you want.”
Cold steel appears against my skin as Kaden places the flat of his blade underneath my chin and uses it to tilt my head back up.
The smile on his face as he looks down at me, full of wicked anticipation, makes my heart stop.
“Yes, you will,” he promises.
Then he turns around and walks away.
Thwack. I watch as my throwing knife sinks into the target across the grass. The sky is growing darker as the sun slips below the horizon. I know that I should probably go back inside soon, but my mind is still churning. So I draw another blade and throw it at the target.
The image of Alina’s big gray eyes as she stared back at me in fear and begged me for mercy drifts across my vision again. My cock hardens. I throw another knife.
I have tormented a lot of people over the years. And I always get a rush of pleasure from watching their fear and humiliation. From watching the desperation that floods their features when they realize that they are entirely at my mercy. But nothing like this.
What I feel when I watch all of those emotions on Alina’s face is like nothing I have ever felt. It’s absolutely addictive. No one has ever made me crave it like this before.
Sliding out another knife, I hurl it at the target. It lands with a thwack that echoes across our silent lawn. Behind me, lights are on in the house I share with Rico and Jace. I know that they’re in there somewhere, but I just need a few more minutes to myself. To relish in the rush I still feel whenever I think about what happened on that rooftop yesterday.
Normally, the only feelings that I want to see on other people’s faces are fear, desperation, and humiliation. But Alina is somehow different. Watching the emotions on her face is absolutely mesmerizing. And I want to see them all.
I want to draw every emotion from her pretty little body.