Page 17 of Enduring Darkness
Humiliation washes over me, making my cheeks heat.
But at least it’s only the people from my group and not the entire school here to witness this.
Still, best get this over and done with quickly.
Once I’m kneeling between Kaden’s spread legs, I hold up the tray to him.
He makes no move to take it. Only holds my gaze with that commanding stare of his. Power and utter dominance seem to pulse from his entire body as he stares me down like the merciless demon that he is. The sheer power difference between us right now is so vast that I might as well be bowing before my master.
That’s when I realize that that is of course what he is waiting for.
While still holding up the tray like an offering, I break eye contact and bow my head so that I’m looking down at the floor instead.
For another few seconds, nothing happens.
Then, at long last, Kaden takes the tray from me. Keeping my eyes on the ground, I slowly lower my hands and rest them in my lap.
A faint thud sounds as Kaden sets the tray down on the table beside him.
My heart patters against my ribs, and embarrassment still radiates from my cheeks.
I suck in a startled breath as soft fingers suddenly appear on my skin.
Kaden draws his fingers along my jaw, surprisingly gently, before taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger. A sigh that almost sounds like a moan escapes his lips as he tilts my head back up so that I meet his gaze.
“Do you have any idea how good you look on your knees between my legs?” he says, his voice dark and rough.
Heat sears my cheeks, but for an entirely different reason this time. My core tightens, and I draw in an unsteady breath.
Then anger floods my system at that absolutely ridiculous reaction.
Latching on to that anger, I glare up at Kaden and instead demand, “Are you done?”
His fingers tighten on my jaw, and his gaze hardens. “I will give you one chance to amend that question.”
My heart lurches at the quick switch in his eyes between searing heat and cold threats. I swallow, my anger quickly dying in the freezing depths of his eyes.
“May I please go back to my table?” I amend.
His grip loosens, and he strokes the side of my jaw with his thumb while a satisfied smile plays over his mouth. “That’s better.”
He gives me another once-over, this time looking very pleased, and then lets his hand drop. Without another word, he jerks his chin in dismissal and turns back to the table.
I glower at the rude dismissal but quickly climb to my feet and hurry away before he changes his mind. The other people from my group watch me as I walk back to the table. I make sure not to look them in the eye as a fresh wave of embarrassment washes over me. And as I slide back into my seat, I thank God that Leslie and Jane at least weren’t here to see this.
Loud voices suddenly boom from the door. After the long silence, it startles practically everyone in the room. Everyone except Kaden, who is now eating his food with his back to me. I glare at him for another second before shifting my attention to the voices by the door.
A few moments later, other students from different groups and years stream into the cafeteria.
I look back down at my plate. My food has now gone cold, but I’m not really hungry anymore so I just end up picking at it.
After a couple of minutes, my cousins appear in my field of vision. They drop down in the chairs opposite mine and raise their eyebrows at me.
“Why didn’t you wait for us?” Konstantin asks.
“I felt like a sitting duck, standing out there alone,” I reply honestly.
Maksim tilts his head to the side. “Good point.”