Page 2 of Enduring Darkness
But that’s where the similarities end.
All of them are tall, athletic, and powerful.
And I’m… not.
“I’m telling you, I’m riding shotgun,” Konstantin declares when I at last catch up with the four of them where they have stopped close to the car.
“The hell you are,” Maksim retorts.
“I’m riding shotgun,” Anton interjects.
“Oh really?” Konstantin replies. “And why is that?”
“Because it’s my brother’s car.”
“Are we really having this conversation?” Mikhail interrupts, shooting the three of them an incredulous look. “What are you? Five years old?”
Everyone abruptly stops speaking as the sound of voices suddenly comes from around the corner. We all whirl around to face the three men who have just appeared on the street a short distance from us.
My heart leaps into my throat.
The Hunters.
I’ve seen them before, of course. But because we decided that I should avoid being seen in public together with my brothers and cousins, the Hunters haven’t known who I am. Since I don’t want to be dragged into their war with my family, I had planned to keep it that way.
Irritation fights with the stunned shock inside me.
What are these three psychos even doing walking through the residential area at the crack of dawn on a bloody Saturday?
I flick a glance towards my brothers.
The temperature seems to plummet several degrees as their gazes lock on the Hunter brothers.
God damn it. This is not happening. Not today of all days.
I quickly shift my gaze back to the Hunters, trying to read their mood while my heart pounds in my chest.
Rico, the guy in the middle, stares at me in surprise. As if he is shocked that there is a fifth Petrov on campus that he didn’t know about. Which is probably the case. Then his gaze turns assessing.
Bitterness churns in my stomach because I know what he sees. A skinny girl who barely reaches their collarbones. None of the lean muscles that practically all other first-years have. No athletic body. No threat whatsoever. I’m twenty years old, but all anyone ever sees when they look at me is a breakable little girl.
Rico and his brothers look anything but breakable. All three of them are tall and muscular. Even bigger than my brothers. And they have an almost tangible air of lethal power radiating off them.
Though Rico is handsome, almost to the point of being pretty, with his brown hair that curls softly and brown eyes that glitter almost gold in the light from the rising sun, there is no mistaking the quiet authority in his gaze. One word from him, and I’m sure the grass itself would bow down.
According to rumors, he was the one who somehow managed to keep their eldest brother, Eli, in check when he was still at Blackwater. I’ve only heard about Eli from my brothers, since he graduated this summer before I enrolled, but apparently he’s an absolute maniac with very little impulse control who put a gun to Anton’s head and almost cut out Mikhail’s eye last year. Thank God he’s not here right now at least. If he was, Mikhail would probably already have attacked.
I shift my gaze to the broad-shouldered guy on Rico’s left.
Jace, the youngest of them, somehow always manages to look like he has just rolled out of bed. But despite his effortlessly messy brown hair, the sight of him makes alarm bells chime in my head. Because he looks like someone who could burn the world down just because he was bored.
But the worst one of all is Kaden.
I slide my gaze to the man standing on Rico’s other side.
And my heart stops.