Page 24 of Enduring Darkness
My heart pounds like a battle drum in my chest as I climb in through the upstairs window of Kaden’s bedroom. I know that it’s his bedroom because I spent a solid hour hiding in the bushes and watching their house.
Rico’s car wasn’t in front of the house, so he is apparently spending his evening somewhere else, but Jace and Kaden were moving around inside the house for an hour before they headed out and left in Jace’s car. That’s when I made my move.
I might be a terrible assassin-in-training in most other aspects, but sneaking in and out of places is something I excel at. With my father and brothers and cousins watching my every move, I learned very early that I needed to develop that skill in order to carve out any freedom at all for myself.
Now, as I straighten on the floor of Kaden’s dark bedroom, I’m incredibly thankful for that skill. Because I’m going to use it to delete that video and take away the damning sword that Kaden is holding over my brother’s head.
Since Kaden’s room faces the back of the house and not the street where the cars are, I know that no one will notice if I turn on the lights, so I carefully move towards the switch by the closed door and flip it.
Bright light floods the room.
A jolt shoots through me as I take in the space around me.
Just like the outside of the house, the walls are made of dark wood. So is the floor. And most of the furniture. I study the way he has decorated his room.
I don’t know what I was expecting, but I’m somehow simultaneously stunned and not at all surprised.
It’s tidy, organized, and meticulous.
There is a large double bed by the wall to my left. It’s made to perfection, the black bedclothes so smooth that I could’ve bounced a quarter off it. The closet and the set of drawers beside it are closed, but the desk is just as spotless as the bed. There is not a lot of stuff on the tabletop, but what’s there is structured so that everything has its place.
But in contrast to that tidy perfection are the handful of oddities throughout the room.
A metal hook has been set into the ceiling, but there is nothing hanging from it. The bed has been fitted with some kind of metal frame on top of the normal one. Some metal rings have also been set into the floor and walls.
I frown at the strange choice of décor.
Then I shake my head. I’m not here to sightsee. I’m here to find the video, delete it, and get the hell out before the psycho returns.
Since the desk seems like the most logical place to start, I hurry over to it and start pulling out the drawers. The phone that Kaden brought with him to blackmail Mikhail three days ago was not the one he usually carries, which means that he must be keeping that extra phone in here somewhere.
I scowl as the drawers only reveal neat stacks of papers and notebooks. After quickly lifting them to check that there is nothing underneath, I move on to the drawers on the other side. They reveal nothing incriminating either.
Straightening, I walk over to the closet and throw open the door. Impeccable shirts are hanging in there in neat rows. Most of them are in black, dark gray, or dark blue, and they’re organized after function. T-shirts on one side. Thin long-sleeved shirts after that. Then dress shirts. And so on.
I’m struck by an absolutely ridiculous impulse to reach in and wrinkle all of his shirts and switch them all around until it’s nothing but a chaotic jumble. But I manage to suppress it. I’m not here to mess with Kaden. I’m here to remove his leverage.
So I leave the shirts in peace and close the door before opening the tall cabinet next to it.
My stomach lurches.
Standing there with my hand still on the now open cabinet door, I just gape at the things I find inside.
Handcuffs and spreader bars and coils of rope. Riding crops and canes and paddles. Blindfolds and noise-cancelling headphones and an entire assortment of different gags. And sex toys.
With my jaw still on the floor, I simply stare at the massive stash for another few seconds. Then I glance towards the hook in the ceiling and the extra metal frame on the bed and the other oddities, and suddenly, I realize exactly what they’re for.
Heat floods my cheeks, and my belly, as I run my gaze over Kaden’s secret equipment again. A very inconvenient throbbing sensation starts in my clit.
I slam the cabinet door shut.
Not doing this.
Not doing this at all.
If I can’t find the phone anywhere else, I will go back and search through that cabinet. But only as a last resort.