Page 31 of Enduring Darkness
However, once class is finished and Mr. Brown has dismissed everyone, I suddenly wish that I had tried at least a little harder, because he calls my name before I can leave.
“Miss Petrov.”
God, I can hear the disapproval in his voice. Bracing myself, I turn back to face him. “Yes, sir?”
“I’m going to need you to stay after class,” he announces.
My chest falls, and I stifle a sigh. Great. I’m at a freaking university for assassins, and I still somehow managed to get detention.
“Should we…?” Maksim asks quietly from where he and Konstantin are waiting for me.
I shake my head. “No. I’ll see you back at the house.”
They glance between me and our instructor for another second before giving me a slow nod. Then they walk out the door, leaving me alone with the disappointed professor.
He stands there with his arms crossed, staring me down in silence for an uncomfortably long time before he finally blows out a long breath.
“Wait here,” he says. “I’ll be right back.”
Then, without another word, he strides out the door as well and closes it behind him.
Once I’m certain that I’m alone, I run a hand over my face and groan. This was not how I wanted to spend the rest of my afternoon.
After pulling off my hair tie, I rake my hands through my hair and then tie it up into a bun instead. I glance down at my white t-shirt and short blue skirt. In hindsight, this probably wasn’t the best attire to wear to class. But my ass and the back of my thighs ached so much this morning that I couldn’t bring myself to put on pants. And since I’m not here to become an assassin, I picked comfort over professionalism. However, now I can’t help but feel as if that was just one more thing that made Mr. Brown hate me.
The door opens behind me. Turning, I already have an apology ready.
“I’m sorry, sir,” I begin. “I should have—”
“Sir? My, my, how polite you’ve become ever since I took a cane to your perfect little ass.”
My heart stops as I come face to face with Kaden Hunter. A smirk plays over his lips as he saunters across the floor. I instinctively take a step back.
“You,” I blurt out while my pulse kicks up a notch.
Kaden keeps advancing on me, power and utter control rolling off his honed body with every step. “Me.”
“You shouldn’t be here.” My gaze darts between his face and the now closed door behind him. “Mr. Brown will return any second.”
His cold smirk only widens. “No, he won’t.”
“Yes, he said…” Trailing off, I finally realize what’s going on. “You set this up.”
Kaden gives me a quick rise and fall of his eyebrows in mocking confirmation.
“Fuck,” I curse under my breath.
My legs bump against a box full of ropes, and I suddenly realize that I’ve continued to back away. Shit. I need to get to the door. Not let him back me farther away from it.
Coming to a halt, I quickly scan the room while trying to formulate some kind of plan. Kaden continues closing the distance between us.
Since there is nothing in the room that can help me, I do the only thing I can do. I make a break for the door.
My stomach lurches as Kaden wraps an arm around my waist and yanks me off my feet before I can pass him.
It only takes him another few seconds to twist me around, shove me down chest first on the floor and settle his weight on my back.
I press my palms against the cold floor, trying to use my arms for leverage to push myself up. But with Kaden’s powerful frame straddling me, I can’t get my chest more than one inch off the floor. Clenching my jaw in annoyance, I twist my head to glare at him over my shoulder. But he’s facing the other way, so all I can see is his muscular back.