Page 41 of Enduring Darkness
That’s why they wanted me to shower last. So that they could steal my clothes and my towel, and to make sure that there was no one else left to help me.
I cast a panicked look around the room. But I’ve checked all the lockers, and there is nothing here. Not even a forgotten scrap of fabric that I can use.
And my phone was in my bag, so I can’t call anyone for help either.
Which means that I will need to walk naked across campus until I get to my car or find where they dumped my bag or until someone sees me and takes pity on me.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
This is worse than anything Kaden could’ve done. At least he mostly just humiliates me in private. I will never be able to live down the embarrassment of walking naked across campus. This—
My spinning thoughts are interrupted when the door to the locker room is abruptly yanked open.
Relief flutters behind my ribs. But it quickly withers and dies when a familiar voice cuts through the air.
“Are you hiding from me, little doe?”
I suck in a sharp breath as Kaden stalks across the threshold. He is wearing a tight-fitting black t-shirt that shows off every ridge of his sharp muscles, and the holsters around his thighs and hips are as usual filled with knives. Light from the fluorescents falls across his sharp cheekbones, but there is an impatient expression on his devastatingly handsome features.
With my pulse now thundering in my ears, I hurry around the row of lockers so that he won’t be able to see me.
Somewhere on the other side, the door falls shut again with a click. For a few seconds, Kaden’s footsteps is the only sound in the room. I move when he does, making sure to always stay on the other side of the metal barrier that is now the only thing shielding me from him.
Kaden circles the rows of lockers.
Then he stops.
I do as well.
My heart is pounding in my chest, which makes it hard to hear, but I strain my ears and listen for the sound of his footfalls. They don’t start up again.
“There you are.”
I almost jump out of my skin.
Whirling around, I find Kaden standing just a few steps away, blocking the way out between the lockers. God damn it. Someone as large as him should not be able to move that quietly.
There is a sadistic smile playing over Kaden’s wicked lips as he advances on me. “Were you trying to hide from me, little doe?”
While covering my private parts with my hands, I back away and shake my head. “No.”
“Then why are you still here? I was waiting for you outside, but you never showed up.”
“I, uhm…”
My back bumps into the cold concrete wall behind me. I cast a quick look over my shoulder in surprise, but there is no more room to back away. I’m trapped between two rows of lockers and the wall behind my back.
Kaden closes the distance between us until he is standing only a single stride away. His lethal body exudes power as he towers over me. My heart thunders in my chest.
He narrows his eyes and flicks a glance up and down my body. “Why are you still naked?”
Keeping my mouth firmly closed, I just swallow nervously while holding his gaze. I don’t want to have to admit to Kaden, of all people, that some girls stole my clothes. He already thinks that I’m just a plaything, and for some reason, I just can’t bear the thought of him finding out that other people treat me like that too.
“Answer,” he orders, his voice tight, and the sheer command in it pulses through my very soul.
I raise my chin. “It’s none of your business.”
His hand shoots up.