Page 43 of Enduring Darkness
My mouth drops open slightly as I stare at him.
It’s the first time I have seen him half-naked like this. And God above, he is a freaking work of art.
His body is muscular, but without being bulky. It’s all sharp abs and firm pectorals and an absolutely sinful V that disappears down his pants.
Heat pools at my core as I imagine what it would feel like to trace my fingers over his warm skin and honed muscles and then follow that V down to where—
“Take it,” Kaden orders again. “And put it on.”
I snap back to reality.
My gaze darts between his naked chest and the bundle of black fabric that he is still pressing against my skin.
And the realization of what’s going on makes another wave of shock clang through my soul.
I curl my fingers into the soft fabric while my mind still repeats the same stunned realization over and over again. Kaden is giving me his own shirt.
The moment I have a grip on the shirt, Kaden pulls his hand back.
For another second, I just gape at him in silence.
But then he shoots me a pointed look filled with ruthless authority, and I quickly scramble to put the shirt on.
My heart stops beating and thunders out of control at the same time as I pull the shirt over my head and let it fall down around my body. It’s still warm from when he was wearing it. And it smells like him.
I suddenly feel like I’m drowning again. But this time, I don’t think I mind it.
Because of our size difference, his t-shirt is so large that it falls all the way to my knees. It’s practically a dress, and it covers up my nakedness completely.
After brushing my hands down the soft fabric, I slowly raise my head again and meet Kaden’s gaze. But as those usually so cold eyes of his meet mine, I can’t think of a single thing to say.
There is a strange fire burning in Kaden’s eyes for a few seconds as he stares between my face and his shirt that I’m wearing.
Then it disappears in a flash, and that lethal ice returns to his expression.
Closing the distance between us again, he takes my chin in a punishing grip and tilts my head up so that he can lock ruthless eyes on me.
“This means nothing,” he says, his voice low and deadly. “It just means that you owe me now.”
Before I can think of a reply, he releases my chin with a snap of his wrist that forces me to twist my head to the side. And when I turn my head back, he is already stalking away.
I watch his naked back and the way the muscles shift underneath his skin as he raises his arm to shove the door open before disappearing out into the corridor.
Confusion and disbelief ring inside my head like giant bells.
Kaden’s intoxicating scent fills my lungs with every breath.
I look down at the shirt, his shirt, while his parting words echo inside my skull.
This means nothing.
Restless energy bounces around inside me. Which just makes me even more irritated. Because I don’t get restless. That’s Jace’s thing. Me? I’m patient. Methodical. In full control of my emotions.
And yet, right now I feel like I want to crawl out of my own skin.