Page 47 of Enduring Darkness
“And yet, here you are.”
“And yet, here I am.”
Raising a hand, he twitches two fingers at me, silently ordering me to approach him. His eyes gleam, as if he is waiting to see if I’m going to disobey his presumptuous command.
He really should’ve learned by now that I’m too smart to fight battles that I can’t win.
With my eyes locked on his, I walk across the floor until I’m standing so close that I can almost feel the warmth radiating from his powerful body. His completely intoxicating scent fills my lungs with every breath. It makes my head spin, and I have to drag in a steadying breath before I crane my neck to look up at him.
Light glitters in his normally so blank eyes as he watches me. He slides his fingers along my shoulder and then up my throat before placing two of them underneath my chin, tilting my head farther back. Leaning down, he slants his lips over mine, just shy of touching.
“The things I will do to you,” he breathes against my mouth.
A shudder courses through my body and my spine tingles.
Logically, I know that it’s probably a threat more than anything else. But I still can’t stop my toes from curling at the dark promise in his voice.
Then he lets his hand drop and takes a step back. It’s so abrupt that I almost topple forwards at the sudden loss of his nearness.
“Strip,” he commands.
Giving my head a quick shake, I try my best to clear it before I reach down and grab the hem of my shirt. While I start stripping out of my clothes, I can’t help but think about the fact that this is the third time Kaden has seen me completely naked. Which is a lot, considering that he is an enemy.
But as I straighten again after removing all of my clothes, I can’t bring myself to feel embarrassed about it. Because Kaden is once again raking his gaze over my naked body with such heat that it feels like fire licking my skin.
My gaze drops to his hands.
God, what would it feel like to have those strong hands roaming all over my body instead of just his fiery gaze?
Metallic clattering fills the room, shattering my ridiculous train of thought and yanking me back to reality. I glance down to see that Kaden has tossed a pair of handcuffs onto the floor before my feet.
“Put them on,” Kaden orders, authority dripping from his dark voice. “Behind your back.”
I lower myself to my knees and reach for the handcuffs. They clink faintly as I pick them up and then straighten again before maneuvering them behind my back. The metal is cold against my wrists as I snap them shut.
Kaden, who was just standing there watching me, takes a step forward.
My heart flips when he moves so close that his stomach brushes against my chest, and then reaches his arms around me.
Clicks sound as he simply tightens the handcuffs around my wrists.
My mind, which was going down all sorts of insane roads, scrambles to catch up.
From barely a breath away, Kaden smirks at me, as if he knows exactly what I was thinking. I glare back at him. A soft chuckle escapes his throat.
Taking a step back, he turns and then walks over to one of the punching bags by the wall. I turn as well, watching him with raised eyebrows.
I blink as he grabs one of those massive bags and lifts it off the hook before tossing it aside. It hits the floor with a loud thud. I stare at him. The bastard doesn’t even have the decency to look winded after picking up such a ridiculously heavy object.
“Get over here,” he says.
While glowering at his annoyingly muscular body, I walk across the wooden floorboards until I’m standing in the spot that he indicated. He doesn’t even watch to see if I obey. Instead, he simply crouches down and starts pulling something out of his black duffel bag.
My eyes widen as he pulls out a spreader bar.
With my heart now thundering in my chest, I stand there and watch as Kaden straightens and moves back to me instead. Amusement tugs at the corner of his lips, as if he can hear my heart pounding.
Stopping in front of me, he crouches down while still holding the spreader bar.