Page 57 of Enduring Darkness
Then a faint clicking sound comes from the other side of the back door. I hold up a hand to Jace, telling him to wait.
The person on the other side continues picking the lock. We left the front door unlocked when we got back this afternoon, so there is no need for them to pick that one. But they apparently want to enter at the same time because the shadows by the front door remain in place while the person on the other side of the house finishes picking the lock.
At last, a louder click sounds.
I watch the dark slab of wood. So far, no one at Blackwater has been stupid enough to attack us in our own house. But the Petrovs have grown bold now that they outnumber us. Maybe we should invest in some better locks.
The handle is slowly pushed downwards. One glance over my shoulder informs me that the same thing is happening by the front door. I give Jace the go-ahead.
The moment that the handle is all the way down, Jace and I kick our respective doors open.
Cries of surprise and pain come from the other side as the doors slam right into our intruders, making them stumble back from the force.
I dart across the threshold and out onto the lawn while Mikhail and Konstantin struggle to straighten and to figure out what just happened. My boot finds Mikhail’s side before he can.
A huff rips from his chest as I kick him hard enough to make him stagger sideways. Since he is the most skilled one out of the two, I need to neutralize him first.
However, the moment I go in for another strike at Mikhail, Konstantin lunges for me. I duck underneath his hand and drive my fist into his stomach. Air explodes from his lungs, but Mikhail is already recovering.
I yank up my forearm to block Mikhail’s hit right before it can connect with the side of my face. From my left, Konstantin surges forward again.
Shoving Mikhail’s arm away, I spin and slip out a knife. Light from the lamps inside stream out through our windows and glint in the metal blade as it flashes through the air.
Konstantin sucks in a hiss and yanks his arm back as the knife nicks his skin. It buys me some breathing room on his side, but Mikhail is already attacking again.
In my head, I curse Alina’s inconvenient demand for no permanent injuries. This fight would be a lot easier if I didn’t have to hold back.
Yells and thuds come from somewhere on my right, and I’m vaguely aware of the fact that Jace and the other two Petrovs have somehow ended up on this side of the house as well. I don’t waste time looking to make sure that Jace is still standing. I know he is. And besides, I can’t take my eyes of my own opponents.
I leap sideways as Mikhail tries to tackle me, but Konstantin is already moving too. A jolt vibrates through my bones as his shin slams into the side of my ribs, stopping my evasive move. Mikhail swings around again and strikes towards my throat. I yank my arm up and slam my elbow into his forearm, redirecting the blow.
Pain pulses in his eyes but he recovers quickly and kicks towards my hip. I dodge backwards only to smack into Konstantin. His arms wrap around me, trying to get a hold of my arms from behind. I ram my elbow backwards right as Mikhail’s fist connects with my jaw.
Fucking hell.
My fingers tighten around my knife.
Drawing my arm in a wide arc, I force Mikhail to jump back to avoid getting skewered. But the second that I focus on him, Konstantin tries to grab me again.
I clench my jaw in anger and once again curse Alina and her ridiculous demand.
Since I can’t let Konstantin get a solid grip on me, I throw two quick knives towards Mikhail, just close enough to make him pause and duck, while I spin around and slam my fist into Konstantin’s side.
He staggers back, but Mikhail is already charging me from behind again.
“Alright!” Jace calls from somewhere across the lawn. “I think that’s enough exercise for today.”
While whipping around so that I don’t have any fucking Petrovs behind my back, I cast a quick look towards my little brother.
Stunned shock pulses through me.
Mikhail and Konstantin also jerk back in surprise when they see him.
Lazy arrogance bleeds from every inch of Jace’s muscular body as he stands there on the grass, pointing a gun at Anton and Maksim. Both of them have their hands raised slightly, and they have backed up several steps.
“Now, unless you want to spend the rest of the night mowing the lawn for us,” Jace continues, and flicks his wrist to make a nonchalant shooing motion with the gun. “Can I suggest you get the fuck out of our yard?”
The other three Petrovs cast uncertain glances between Mikhail and Jace. Mikhail grinds his teeth in annoyance.