Page 208 of Almost Pretend
Into the rest of my life.
“I love you,” she answers—kissing me again and again, pressing the words into my lips, elating me with her light until I could shatter the stars. “I love you, you stupid man. Oh, you’re such a dick, and I still love you—”
I laugh like mad, wrapping my arms around her waist and nipping her lips. “Insult me again. Just so I know you really mean it.”
She loves me, and I can’t hold back anymore.
Right there in front of my aunt, her beloved, my sister, Marissa, the lawyers, the judge—fuck, everyone—I do it.
I sweep Elle closer and kiss her until I touch her soul.
I kiss her the way I should have that day I broke us, healing the wound before it grew any deeper. Kiss her like I can never kiss anyone else again, and dammit, I don’t want to.
Not when her mouth fits mine this perfectly.
Not when our lips lock, and we meet like our mouths and minds and souls were made for each other.
I finally feel whole.
For the first time, that searching feeling inside me gets filled by a woman who’s become my everything.
Everything I need.
Everything that could ever make me happy.
I want so badly to make her as happy as she makes me.
God willing, I’ll try.
With every day of my life, I’ll try to be a better man. A man who deserves her, who’s worthy of standing in the light of her sun.
Maybe even worthy enough to be her Gruffykins.
No matter how bright she shines, I’ll always love the burn.
But suddenly, somehow, everyone in the courtroom is kissing.
Clara and Yvette.
“Oh, fuck it,” Deb says, grabbing one of our lawyers by the tie. She pulls him in and kisses him hard in a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen.
Even Marissa throws her hands up.
“Not fair,” she says. “Not fair!”
So she rises up on her toes.
Grabs the judge’s robe.
And drags him down, planting a big wet one on his lips.
I break back from Elle, looking around the room with a laugh as I hold her tight. “See that? We’ve started a trend.”
“That’s a trend I could follow forever,” she says, laying her head on my chest, right over the pounding tumble of my heart. “If we can spread this much love with a kiss, I think you’d better kiss me again, Gruffykins.”
Until now, I never thought I’d understand that phrase about lightning striking twice.