Page 214 of Almost Pretend
Against the odds, all is well again, even with Marissa.
But she can still be one hell of a fire-breathing bitch.
With a little negotiation, though, I had a book deal before I knew it.
A career of my own.
I can’t believe that’s a freaking prototype plushie of Kiki the Koala sitting on my studio desk.
The same plushie that’s about to be in bookstores all over the world.
How did I get here again?
The answer grunts as he stomps into the room and dumps another box in the corner.
“How many sketchbooks do you have?” August demands.
“Enough to keep you sweaty.” I gravitate toward him. He’s gleaming hot, his sleeveless undershirt turned transparent by sweat, his arms streaked in dirt and his ripped jeans riding down low on his hips.
Such a devilishly good look for Mr. Upright.
I hook a belt loop and tug him close.
“Hold up. I almost never get to see you outside of suits, and I’d like to enjoy the view.”
“You rip me out of my suits every night, you little wildcat,” he growls, leaning into me, nearly drowning me in the masculine scent of exertion. The pet name’s not wrong, when just smelling him makes me melt. “You see me out of them plenty often.”
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you out of this right now.” I cup his cock through his jeans. He inhales sharply, rising up a little, already swelling against my palm as his eyes narrow.
“... wretch,” he growls, hooking me around the waist and dragging me tight against his burning body. “I kissed you ten minutes ago, and you shoved me away and said you had to finish unpacking and answering letters.”
I wince.
I am a little behind on letters to Inky.
Clara and I take turns answering them now, but with the new programs, there are so many that we can barely keep up. At least six of the boxes lining the walls are handwritten letters from all over the world I need to respond to, and that’s got nothing on the email inbox.
I smile up at him innocently.
“Quickie against the wall? We can finish in five minutes.”
“I never finish in five minutes,” he growls, bending to lick the curve of my neck. I’m sweaty, too, and I shiver as the heated moisture on my skin cools as his tongue passes. “I want to lick you clean.”
“August,” I moan, digging my fingers into his shoulders.
He might not be done in five minutes, but I could explode right now.
He always does that to me.
One look, one touch, one taste, and I could mount this bull of a man and ride him for days.
But he lets out a frustrated growl, pulling back with a skeptical look. One blue eye narrows. “You might actually change your mind after you see this.”
I blink.
“See what?” I groan. “August, no. What did I tell you about at least sending me a text before you make plans?”
“If I texted this, it would ruin the surprise. Believe me. You’re either going to hate me or love me even more.”