Page 220 of Almost Pretend
As I look down at our little girl sleeping so soundly, so trustingly in my arms, my heart runs the fuck over.
I’m filled with so much love I almost find myself choking back tears.
Yeah, this daddy thing does that, turning even the toughest guys into great big saps.
When I first took over Little Key, I didn’t have the slightest clue what to do with children. They didn’t matter to me at all beyond being a distant target demographic. Little Key was Aunt Clara’s legacy, and I was just there to handle the money and legal matters.
Somehow, Elle changed everything.
She changed me.
And when my gorgeous wife gave us our daughter, I realized I’ve always needed this.
Being a husband and father is etched in my bones.
Being a family, as strong and wonderful as the true families we both found for ourselves when our parents couldn’t be there.
Elle’s steps whisper behind me as she tiptoes into the room, then drapes her arms around my neck from behind, leaning over the back of the rocking chair.
“A little young to get it, isn’t she?” she whispers against my ear, soft laughter edging her voice.
I look up with a smile, turning my head to catch her lips in a familiar kiss.
“Thought I’d start her off on the right books early,” I whisper back. “Think she loves Kiki the best. She knows her ma’s brilliant, so she’ll grow up to be just like her.”
“God, let’s hope not. Tripping over random strangers in airports can only work out well once. She should be less of a disaster.” Elle nuzzles me. “You’re so good with her, though. She falls asleep for you like a little angel. She’s a demon with me.”
“Because she knows you’ll let her get away with being a demon. You spoil her rotten.”
“Like you don’t?” Elle laughs. “Look at you guys!”
“Can’t help it.” I sigh, looking down at Giselle. “She’s so perfectly tiny. She’ll never be this small again.”
“Oh, you’ll wish she was when she’s big enough to start crawling.” Elle noses my cheek. “Come to bed. Early day tomorrow. Clara’s got a signing, and I promised I’d be there.”
“Yeah. Let me put her down.”
Elle pulls back, holding the rocking chair steady for me while I stand and move delicately toward the crib. One tiny bit at a time, I lay Giselle down in her blankets before tucking her gently and safely away.
She doesn’t even stir.
She just keeps chewing on her fist in her sleep, resting there like the little cherub she is.
Elle leans over the edge of the crib with a small smile overflowing with love. “Bitey little monster. She gets that from you.”
“I don’t bite that much.”
Elle gives me a look that drips pure sarcasm.
Then she pulls the neck of her shirt aside to show the hickey I left on her collarbone earlier.
“I have to wear a high-necked shirt to an outdoor signing in the middle of summer thanks to you,” she says mildly. “And you’re telling me you don’t bite that much?”
“Well, now, if you’re already going to wear a high-necked shirt anyway ...”
Her eyes widen.